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  • I cannot afford this website...

The threads like this really do showcase people with addiction problems. Some are borderline acting like straight junkies that can't get their fix.

Millman97 Why bother ? I'm fine with it and it doesn't harm me in any way.
Not my fault if my hobbies are the only thing that bring me relaxation and happiness.
I've see multiple psychologist in my childhood but they were worth nothing and only cared about how much we paid them.
At least internet is free (almost).

    Millman97 hypocrite, everyone needs something in their life to keep going, or else whats the point. it can be anything love, children, hobby, career.

      cptaizen everyone needs something in their life to keep going

      I would disagree with you here. I would correct that to: everyone needs something meaningful in their life to keep going. If you're living only for web novels, you're ill and need help.

        cptaizen Millman97 hypocrite,

        why is he a hypocrite? maybe you can try to explain, because i don't think i quite understand. if people need to read in order to survive, then how would you explain all those people who never learn how to read? i don't see them dying.
        what about children before they're able to read, not sure how they survived childhood. damn.

          Miya Dude calm down. I never said that everyone needed to read to live.
          I said that "I" need things "I" like, that's reading to even bother living.
          You think I care about other ? I don't see any worth in thing I don't like so lay off my shit post.

            Ok WTH this stayed up here for too long for a forum. Qi don't care at all...

              Citlalicue who us expecting things for free? but this way of implementing things is stupid.

              First if I dont want to wait to read I have to pay Im ok with that system the problem is if I pay to read ahead then I habe to keep paying forever or to wait all that time that I pay to skip anyway because Qidian is not guving me more chapters per day till free readers catch up with me, which means I will need to keep paying forever till the end of the novel or wait all the time that I paid no to wait, isn't it absurd in your view?

              And let's not even start talking about the costs that are stupidly high ig you have to pay starting now till the end of a novel that have 2 or 3 THOUSANDS chapters.

              I would gladly pay for reading since I enjoy it, I would pay as I already do for netflix or amazon music, just give me subscription that unlocks all the content there's no excuse since productions and operative costs for text are way less than for audio visual content so they should be able to make it work for the same prices I'm all in for Premium, BUT REAL PREMIUM not this microtransactions freemium this model is the exact oposite of a consumer friendly approach to to a business model and the only reason they get away with it is because they are based on china where$ nobody cares about consumers rights.

              So pay for their work and their service yes, premium? why not? but this? sure not!

                Tomarwoto ho to spirits stones on your profile and there us a list of expiration dates for SS you have

                  What you are saying is to make those premium free..... Aaare you masochist.

                  Though it isnt the price of pocket money it is still pretty expensive

                    Heyun The problem is probably a technical one.
                    Keeping track of each individual accounts paid chapters then adding free chapters is a lot of information to store. Storing information costs money. It gets orders of magnitude more expensive the more books and accounts you have. Then you also have to account for corner cases like someone who skipped ahead with their premium chapters. Does it start unlocking from the oldest unread chapter? Or does it start unlocking from when the reader stopped reading?
                    On the other hand, a blanket approach of "All chapters <x are free, add accounts to the books chapter list of 'can read' when they pay to unlock it" is much more efficient.

                      Have to use my free ss on a single series so that I can stay up to date on, however, I've had to drop three other series in the process.

                        YueZise to be fair, as long as the writers are getting a share, I am OK with them earning from us. It's not fair to the writers to write for free. Even Harry Potter you had to buy the first book, or wait until you could borrow from someone

                          catcurl i think your missing the point most are willing to fund the writers in some manner but paying double to triple the paperback equivalent is ridiculous. Id be happy to click on 2-3 videos a story to unlock a chap and might be willing to pay but not at inflated rates. the other side is as some one said no premium account where you pay x amount a month for access to any story on the site. even when tokyopop and other translator publishers print a book its usually in the 15$ range for a 9$ novel in japan which is till 5+$ less than what we would have to pay here and we dont get a paper copy of it. If this site decides to fold we would be left with nothing for that expense.

                          Heyun Obviously you have not read the complaints of people asking why books are becoming premium and why should they pay. Premium has issues, Yes!! it could be better, Yes!! Paid SS shouldn't expire, YES!! But to complain because you have too many novels that you can't afford? That's not Qidian problem. Nobody told you to have so many. Reading a novel is like buying a book, you should pay or wait until is not popular anymore and becomes free in like 100 years LOL. The thing is Q needed more translators and editors to keep up, maybe well be able to have more chapters available now. But who knows?

                            Web Novel Novel Ask