LIght_Novel_San Chapters are still released for free at 1/day. People are just unhappy about the speed.
I cannot afford this website...
CKtalon What will happened to 1 chapter per day when the novel is completely translated ?
UnknownDaoist It will continue I suppose.
LIght_Novel_San :o At least, you got over those nasty cliffhangers...
Heyun and if it keeps being up there it will go premium
ShouldBeStudying to me its a waste of money because after a while like book 1 or something like that will go to amazon for 2-5 dollars(which contain 100 or so chapters for the same price you can only read a few chapters.
Sanrico_ you have every right to vent your frustration because they are exploiting us for their greed. Their system needs to be updated to like a 10 or 20 dollar a month/ read all novels. This spirit stone BS will break many people,.. even people that make a decent income considering the amount of novels that individual reads daily.
There are so many more novel sites out there, and free at that. Once there see all their Internet traffic disappearing, maybe they might realize how their greed pushed all their business away.
Daoist_Lightsouth we al ready are being ta king advantaged of
BishopDearg I rather not pay premium, because we would be taken advantaged of considering value of other online webnovel or comparing these webnovel to real books by best selling authors. The consumer is being raped financially with this scheme they have going. Dude, I'll pay like a monthly fee to have infinite reading on their site, but this premium BS,.. I'll be like you, "sit back and watch the fallout".
Millman97 The problem with your statement here is that you are kind of being presumptuous with your use of the word meaningful. What is meaningful to you might not be meaningful to someone else. But I am not a dog in this fight. I could drop these books at any time all of them are basically the same anyway. Which I have noticed as I have read over the years.
KevinsDao. 10 dollars is cutting it really close to what I would even think about paying any more than that and you would have to be f$!#ing crazy to pay for it. It is not worth it to read basically the same books written by many different people over and over again. It would be pointless
you can't afford this site?
get in line dude...
Since the start of their premium programm the site traffic has gone down (you can look it up on the internet). So they are making less money with Ads and the sort. Meaning, in the long run they will not be able to keep their system up. Do they care? No. Why? Because they want to make the quick buck.
BTW for all the ones saying they need the money to pay the translators. That is false. The translators will mostly never see much of this money, this is going straight into their pockets. The translators have probably gotten more money with their patreon than they will get in the long run now
Dont vote your fav books vote some unknown underrated book the lower the ranking the less they close the chapter
- Edited
Losing a raindrop won't make the bucket less full than it already is.
Don't you guys think that if we could get just get a monthly subscription to the premium chapters it would be beneficial for both sides say like 10$ a month times I'll just throw a random number out their 500,000 (<----us in case their is someon that don't get it)that would be a solid 5mil that way the company and the people would both be in seventh heaven because if you really think about it I can't imagine that 500,000 people all would pay even a 1$ for the 50 ss let alone the 50$ for the 3250 ss because lets be honest here if you are really reading there is no way that the free chapters are going to cut it and buying ss is just a money pit. So in conclusion People that actually want to read and have that little bit of spare cash can read their favorite books to their hearts content. While the whiny little cheap-scapes for whatever reason can't afford it can make a river with there cheap a$# tears and jump in it to go to the other side and meet Yama anyone in agreement?
Curse_Hand_Sr Here is the most likely reason why they won't use a subscription service for this website.
It simply wouldn't work with these types of novels. The main point is these are translated novels you have to wait for each chapter to be translated, why should I pay let's say $10 a month to read chapters when I can wait until the novels I want to read on here are done and then read them all at once. I don't know about everyone else but I can read about 100 to 250 chapters in a day and that is while taking 19 credit hours in college. That is 3,000 to 7,500 chapters in a month. Now, will I read that many chapters in a month, no of course not, but the possibility is still there. But I took speed reading classes when I was in high school so I have an unfair advantage. The reason why Kindle Unlimited subscription service works is that you are paying like $10 for 100,000s of books. No matter how fast I read I am never going to finish reading all of them in a month or probably in my lifetime. And if they did start a subscription system here you would have to be pretty dumb to spend money on it because most of the good novels on here are nowhere near finished and some of them will take years to be finished.
Let's keep the $10 example going, if you followed the subscription system you would spend $120 a year. While I can sit back and relax and wait a year or two and when I notice everything I want to read is completed I can spend at most 4 months to read everything I want off of here. That would cost me $40 and you $120 because you followed the subscription system from the beginning and read the books in little pieces at a time.
And another thing, almost all these books are the same type of story repeated over and over again by different people. There is a serious lack of originality between the different author's works. I mean for god's sake a lot of these novels have been repeating the same arcs over and over again and just writing it in a different way.
I have like 20 novels that I used to follow now I barely even follow three of them and sometimes I check up on another 2 but other than that the other novels are kind of boring because it is the same shit over and over again.
Two of the novels I follow are premium and one of them I am on the current premium chapter. Not once have I ever been out of spirit stones because of it. All you have to do is wait for a while. I can save up over 200 spirit stones in two weeks and then splurge on 10 to 20 chapters of a premium book every two weeks. So if you are spending money on spirit stones you are either trying to read too many books at one time, are not patient enough, or most likely have some type of obsession where you have to read the next new chapter whenever it comes out. That or it is possible you have a really bad reading addiction that you need to go to the doctor for to get help.
Detro "Keeping track of each individual accounts paid chapters then adding free chapters is a lot of information to store. "
In this case it wouldn't be since they're already doing a lot more than that. They must already store info on what chapters are locked what chapters you've unlocked since when you log off and back on, the chapter you just paid to unlock is not suddenly locked again. The simplest solution from there would be to unlock the earliest locked chapter as unlocking from where you last read has too many changing variables.
It's their business in the end but I'm not sure their current strategy is optmized for the highest revenue possible.
Most readers here are destitute students but I'm sure they could scrape together $5 a week for their daily crack.
Pretty sure you're only getting a couple hundred users actually paying for these SS.
Most just save up the free stones.