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  • I cannot afford this website...

What you are saying is to make those premium free..... Aaare you masochist.

Though it isnt the price of pocket money it is still pretty expensive

    Heyun The problem is probably a technical one.
    Keeping track of each individual accounts paid chapters then adding free chapters is a lot of information to store. Storing information costs money. It gets orders of magnitude more expensive the more books and accounts you have. Then you also have to account for corner cases like someone who skipped ahead with their premium chapters. Does it start unlocking from the oldest unread chapter? Or does it start unlocking from when the reader stopped reading?
    On the other hand, a blanket approach of "All chapters <x are free, add accounts to the books chapter list of 'can read' when they pay to unlock it" is much more efficient.

      Have to use my free ss on a single series so that I can stay up to date on, however, I've had to drop three other series in the process.

        YueZise to be fair, as long as the writers are getting a share, I am OK with them earning from us. It's not fair to the writers to write for free. Even Harry Potter you had to buy the first book, or wait until you could borrow from someone

          catcurl i think your missing the point most are willing to fund the writers in some manner but paying double to triple the paperback equivalent is ridiculous. Id be happy to click on 2-3 videos a story to unlock a chap and might be willing to pay but not at inflated rates. the other side is as some one said no premium account where you pay x amount a month for access to any story on the site. even when tokyopop and other translator publishers print a book its usually in the 15$ range for a 9$ novel in japan which is till 5+$ less than what we would have to pay here and we dont get a paper copy of it. If this site decides to fold we would be left with nothing for that expense.

          Heyun Obviously you have not read the complaints of people asking why books are becoming premium and why should they pay. Premium has issues, Yes!! it could be better, Yes!! Paid SS shouldn't expire, YES!! But to complain because you have too many novels that you can't afford? That's not Qidian problem. Nobody told you to have so many. Reading a novel is like buying a book, you should pay or wait until is not popular anymore and becomes free in like 100 years LOL. The thing is Q needed more translators and editors to keep up, maybe well be able to have more chapters available now. But who knows?

            Citlalicue Paid SS shouldn't expire

            Purchased spirit stones don't expire :sweat_smile:
            But I agree with the rest of your comment. People need to learn moderation. Readers don't need to follow 50 novels each day, there are better things to do :D


              Millman97 Readers don't need to follow 50 novels each day, there are better things to do

              this is millman telling us that we should get a life
              :sweat: :sweat_smile:

                Miya If you read more than the free chapters of 50 novels each day, then yes, you need to get a life :sweat_smile:
                'Get a life' might be a bit harsh, but you could/should definitely do something more productive with your time, if you have time to get through 50 novel's free chapters every day.

                  Aibele Yup i'm ok with watching a 8-10s ad video , but for exemple RTW you can only unlock with stones :( 8 to 12 per chapter..
                  Many months on wuxiaworld , they told it will be the PAYWALL Qidian ,they were right xD

                    If we lived in a perfect world, we would all just stop buying their stones and they would be forced to find another business model. But because people keep buying spirit stones, everyone is getting swindled by this system. The quality of the translations here does not warrant such a cost, especially the quality of the stories. As someone above already stated, its cheaper to buy physical books and they are usually of a higher quality both in storytelling and language.

                    The best thing you can do is just suck it up and read less. If everyone does that, then we might see some changes. But never bend and buy stones, thats the last thing you would want to do. When you buy stones, you are not only harming yourself, but also others.

                    Buying extra chapters only increases the amount of money you will pay in the future, because the stones will run out and you would want to read, so you wouldn't wait for weeks for a new chapter, you will just pay more to keep reading. That's why if you care about reading, you shouldn't buy stones.

                    If all you want is a short burst of extra chapters and then weeks of no chapters, then this system is for you. Otherwise, its a rip off. And the people of lower IQ fall into this trap and buy chapters, then they are forced to pay more because they can't wait due to their lower intelligence. Deferred gratification is something people of above average intelligence understand, and Qidian is exploiting young people and people of lower intelligence to buy in to this rollercoster of spirit stones. You can't stop paying, or you can't read!!!

                    there is a solution
                    just ignore advanced chapters
                    free chapters will be there like usual, or not?
                    I pay way more for advanced chapters on patreon than the cost of advanced chapters via spirit stones

                    It's funny how people think that we are complaining because we have to pay for novels, we are complaining because we have to pay too much.

                    When 100 chapters here costs more than complete books of the best selling authors, there is a problem with the systems, and no, the answer is not to stop reading here and go buy those books, or wait for those chapters to become free, I like this kind of novels, and would love to pay a fair price for them and support the TL, but not with this daylight robbery.

                      The feeling when u have 50 locked chapters and 0 ss is fucking terrible. I mean doesn't the website already make money from us watching adds for them? They also make money from us buying SS, and they get free advertising whenever we refer a friend. On all scemes they are making money. Why does it have to be so damn expensive just to read a few chapters.

                        Leslie Ads make nothing unless you cover the website in them.
                        And you get free SS for referring a friend...

                        Honestly tho, this is retarded, how much does an actual novel cost to purchase? The amount you'd pay for a novel on here using spiritstones is ridiculous. The current system will limit the popularity of this site with the way it's going. It's understandable having the newest chapters cost spiritstones to read early but 20 chapters is ridiculous.

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