
  • Joined Nov 28, 2017
  • Klepar Oh damn forgot about these.
    I'm a masochist read until chap 908 for ATG , and 505 for WDQK.

    Was telling myself 'damn u'v read already 300 chapters , maybe MC will change , or the story become interesting and not be a face slapping arrogant young master and rape every cute women ?'
    Never happened , so in my trash list ahah.

    • Chu Feng - MGA
      Too many reason for this MC.

      Shi Hao - Perfect World
      Drinking milk and dumb

      Qing Shui - Ancient Strengthening Technique
      Arrogant as fuck , he "need" to fuck every woman to be happy. Woman need to listen to their husband.. A rapist

      Yue Zhong - God and Devil World
      Racist , rapist

      Zhang Tie - Catle of Black Iron
      Love the story so far , but MC is dumb , borderline rapist.

    • https://www.novelupdates.com/series/advent-of-the-archmage/

      OneNightRain rated it 3/5 stars
      July 20, 2017 - Status: c769
      'Finished the entire thing a month ago and I decided to leave my review for future readers.
      The story begins with the MC being transported to a VRMMO game world in another person's body along with said person's memories and a game system bestowed by a God to facilitate MC power ups and plot progression. Pretty cliche start but what captured my interest was the amount of work author put in for the battles (albeit only the first few arc). It is a first for me to read a mage casting spells in the right places using their brain (as a mage is supposed to be intellectual) instead of spamming damage spells like usual.
      That said, the rest of the story felt bland because the MC himself has no purpose he sets for himself other than following the mission God gave him to defeat a certain enemy. While every arc already has its general progression and conclusion placed in front of the readers since it's written in the typical game quest form with rewards. An example of what I mean would be something like "Find the ring to stop the marriage from happening (reward 10 points) " thus we know he will find the ring no matter what the twist and the marriage will definitely not happen, causing whatever is written to reach the end of the quest mostly a text wall.
      Another problem would be inconsistencies in the story. There is a lot of them which includes plot, characters, skills, etc. An example would be the amount of needed skill points to learn magics in the beginning and middle part of the story. The rest I cant remember in detail since it's been a month or so.
      A problem I have with the author is that he took my greatest joy in reading this because after the first few arcs, MC conveniently learns how to use a sword and in the later chapters, MC majors in being a swordsman while magic is mostly there to assist in his swordsmanship (so much for the title being Descent of the God of Magic). Oh, the ending is also very rushed."

    • I trust more the ratings on novel updates
      Check the reviews

      CreamPuffDelights rated it
      Other reviews by this user
      February 5, 2018
      Status: c90
      This review was written due to my sheer anger and grudge against Qidian's dumb as fk ranking system, although I would not be surprised to find that they rigged it considering that there is no possible way something of this quality would be approved by any number of persons. The fact that they delete negative reviews such as mine probably doesn't help, which is why I'm posting it here so people aren't deluded by that meaningless "power ranking" from Qidian.
      Let's start of with the first 5 chapters. In those first 5 chapters alone, the author has tried to squish in damn near every single dumb-as-f
      k wuxia cliche as he humanly could. I understand that no book can be defined by their beginning alone, however the sheer idiocy requires at least a comment so that people know what they're getting in to.
      The MC finds himself with a typical middle-ish but declining noble family. Naturally, the father almost immediately finds himself crippled, leaving his family, and the MC, with their reputation and honor stained, something that supposedly drives the MC to change his attitude to be more serious.
      The funny part was how in the first 2 chapters, the MC emphasized his laziness, boredom and complete lack of anything resembling a motivation to live on his own capacity. This changes almost immediately after his father is crippled and their future livelihood is threatened. This by itself is not weird, a strong enough shock can and will change someone's personality. However within a span of less than 24 hours? That's not someone maturing, that's someone with a mental problem.
      Secondly, in the process of maturing, naturally his cheat, special powers, or hack in this case, plays a massive role. I don't begrugdge a reader's need to feel special by having an MC with a special power, what I DO dislike however, is how this Hack operates. The fact that he finds it by sheer dumb luck is nothing new. The fact that the hack works by giving him what is essentially an immortal clone body that can fight, die and farm experience and whatever else with absolutely no repercussions whatsoever while our dear MC basically kicks back and sips on a mojito is not only new, it's pretty lazy writing.
      Due to No. 3, our MC essentially gains power like nobody's business and within 5 chapters, our dude is already blasting aura and power like a goddamn saiyan at the typical, cliche, overused opening ceremony where everyone's power is ranked. This follows long into the story, where it becomes more and more apparent that the MC is abusing the hack like a boss with no risk whatsoever to himself. Simply feeding off the good luck, plot armor and farming his shadow clones give him, way up until he's fighting beasts entire realms above him simply because his shadows are essentially immortals with a resurrection button that's attached with a minor cooldown issue.
      Back to the opening ceremony. Naturally everyone around our dear MC will "whisper" very audibly at that, their negative comment, looking down and despising our MC who's noble but not quite noble, powerful but not quite powerful family from a teeny tiny town, in the middle of billion league continent, falling into ruins because his father got crippled. Just as naturally, the moment the MC's unforeshadowed, previously unknown fiancee appears, their comments suddenly turn from how "he suits her so much" to "trash doesn't deserve this jade like, lotus like, peach like, etc etc woman." Now, I know that these despising comments serve to fix the mood, so that everyone can look forward to how satisfying it will feel when the MC eventually slaps them down with TRUE POWAH, however this only really works when its done subtly. When it's done in such a stupidly blatant manner, where the people around him can't seem to hold their opinion for more than 5 sentences, I stop hoping for a face - slapping, and start wondering if everyone around the MC was born with a concussion.
      Next, his aforementioned fiancee that appears out of nowhere. The novel doesn't outright say it, but the way she is portrayed when she comes up to him out of nowhere, and starts saying sorry that she will leave him behind due to his lack of talent, makes it pretty clear that she's supposed to be villain. Note however, that while her tone wasn't even condescending in the least. She was being upright, she knows that her talent is better than his, something he himself admitted barely 4 chapters ago. She knows that with his father crippled, his family will not be able to sustain his needs if he opens his meridians or whatever. She knows that she will be going to a higher tier due to her talent and the rigid-as-fk-social-strata where rank apparently matters over everything that the author keeps talking about, but not high enough that she can carry him there. So she's apologizing, without actually saying the word sorry due to her aloof and proud personality. What she doesnt know however, is that the MC has already gone super saiyan, thanks to AFK-Grinding with his new hack. So what does our MC and the "Whispers" around him do? Instantly bad mouth her. The MC even goes one step further and declares mentally that the two of them are now strangers and cuts their childhood bond just like that because "SUPER HACK". You know what's the best part though? That buddy that stuck by him in that chapter that also supposedly had no talent and is promptly forgotten in later chapters until somewhere around 80? The MC does EXACTLY what his childhood sweet heart was trying to do. He even lampshades it by saying, "His talent and mine have a large gap. I will send money to him for his loyalty now that I'm swimming in cash that my clones farmed for me because that's all I can do." fk, that's cold man. As cold as irony.
      There are a sh*tton more I could say, but this is all WITHIN THE FIRST 5 CHAPTERS alone. The sheer brainless, stupid as f**k, plot armor level thickness cheat and lazy writing infuriates me, especially when there are genuinely good novels on Qidian but are buried by the macho, DOMINEERING MANLY novels like this one."

      Hereon Qidian its censored , and the "top ranking" is boosted with multiple accounts / admin of the website.

      • Aibele Yup i'm ok with watching a 8-10s ad video , but for exemple RTW you can only unlock with stones :( 8 to 12 per chapter..
        Many months on wuxiaworld , they told it will be the PAYWALL Qidian ,they were right xD

        • I miss the good old 2 daily chapters for Castle of Black Iron 😞

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