Shamira_Farhath Sure, I added yours to my list. I'll review it ASAP after I finish the first few books that I needed to review.
June 2021- Review Swap here!
Ake_Eniola Hi, I just checked your book... and, I'm just wondering if you're interested in a review swap with me?
Ake_Eniola yass, I'd love to!
Here's mine,
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ANDYY_X Yes, I would love to
I'm looking forward for a review swap! I'd give honest feedback or suggestions for improvement though it'll be all solely based on my knowledge.
here's mine:
Ake_Eniola I'm currently reading yours! Will do the review soon!
MissyRailae Already review yours even added it to my library. I love it. Please review mine.
Ake_Eniola done w/ my review on yours. Keep it up!!!
Proteety_Promi Already reviewed yours. Nice work. Even added it to my library.
Proteety_Promi Done, enjoyed reading your book and looking forward to more progress in the story.
Yashima099 Done reviewing yours.
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RS anyone? I take my time reading works and give in-depth reviews. I also do collection swaps if anyone wants too.
Replied back here with your link if anyone is interested
Here is the link for my book:
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lala_sanara We can have a collection swap! I added yours in my library just now~
lala_sanara We can exchange reviews if you want. But I will send mine tomorrow, will that be alright?
kuhaku_sora Cool. I already added yours too. I'll review your book too. It's alright, you could take your time reviewing mine.
lala_sanara great! Thanks!
Knossos okay done.