JFLGoiri Doing it now! Please review mine as well!
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JFLGoiri Doing it now! Please review mine as well!
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Mediocre_author right away. Thanks!
lets swap review and collection. I'm going to review yours.
JFLGoiri done reviewing yours. The story is great!! I added it to my collection. I hope you make the chapters a little bit longer as you update. Keep writing :)
Please check mine as well its a BL, though if you dont mind. for the heads up dont progress to chapter 17 above... its not for children.
Mediocre_author done. Very nice work!
Mediocre_author can you review mine as well?
It's a BL though... I hope you guys don't mind :3 It's my project because it's pride month.
Mediocre_author im done reviewing yours, my jaw drop as i read your first chapter. I wish i could learn from you!
It's super good!!
Ake_Eniola okay
Ake_Eniola done!
Ezckapel Doing it now! Thanks for the review. Don't worry about it being BL, I'm pumped to read it.
Mediocre_author hey I love the way you write your story, im on chapter 3 now. i'm enjoying it. I might give another review!
Yoan_Roturier Thank you for the advice, it's very much appreciated! I changed my cover again recently, so feel free to give me some feedback again.
I have a novel inspired from the game Diablo 2, Elder Scrolls Skyrim, and, Torchlight. It is transmigration by the way! You wanna review swap?
Grandmaster Of All Job Class
You'll have to give me your link for that bro.
Or you can drop by this thread here: https://forum.webnovel.com/d/52805-honest-reviews-request-thread/293
Yoan_Roturier have we swapped review already? If not, can we swap?
Here's my link: https://m.webnovel.com/book/i-am-a-farmer_20320703006361505
Anyone for a review swap for my story By the Power of Plot Armor! with purely honest ratings? Hoping someone will read at least 5 chapters in, and id obviously reciprocate. Just want a review that has a fair impression of what the novel so far presents. I wont post the cover, bc I can't afford a decent one yet.
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/by-the-power-of-plot-armor!_20289318605872105
The world lies on the brink of utter chaos. Only the great Protector, Steel Lance, and his few compatriots stand between peace and mutually assured destruction. In the middle of all this, a young student named Amyna Anthropos lives a full and peaceful life. However, he lacks purpose, seeking only to sustain his current way of life. Unlike a great amount of his classmates, Amyna has no power of his own, yet he remains the most optimistic of them all. When he discovers an ancient breastplate bearing the inscription 'Become the Main Character,' he will learn what it means to aspire to something greater.
funicon @PGODofficial
I have already reviewed your story.
Please read and review mine as well as soon as possible.
Joel_West I'm up.
Here's mine: https://m.webnovel.com/book/i-am-a-farmer_20320703006361505
I'll do your request
I would love to exchange reviews with anyone who's interested.
Genre of my story: Contemporary Romance.
(It would be great if you are even slightly interested in the genre)
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/lovingly-together_20218358406350305
star_dreamer let's swap. My link was written above