RodzZ up for exchanging reviews? Here's mine's-deadline_19722601005047305
June 2021- Review Swap here!
Thanks for going through, will read when it's daybreak over here. Thanks
My novel title is SHADOUKINGU NO TSUMI does any one want to swap with me
MokouFriedChicken okay I'll do yours no prob
Yulainei please review ack here's the link:
Cdkings don't forget to reviewback
Done reviewing others. Up for exchanging reviews? Here's mine's-deadline_19722601005047305
Drop your links, will get back to you!
@Epyonnn @Limpin_Technocat Up for exchanging reviews? Here's mine's-deadline_19722601005047305
meixiaolian okay cool I'll drop the review now
Davidwatts6957 Got it captain.
ArnoldAdi99 Hey, buddy wanna swap??
kuhaku_sora Hey, buddy wanna swap??
Itsuki_Suzuki Gave you my review, mate! Awesome stuff! I really enjoyed reading it
listen_moon Aight, mate! I added yours in my library~ (The Bloody Angel)
Will give a review soon or tomorrow! I got my hands full with a loooot of novels to review
Here's mine:
hansora I'm up
Here's mine:
Will review yours soon!
kuhaku_sora review and coll swap? This is my link
Spities thank you for the review, will be doing it now
Carciphones_02 i won't risk that curse lol. review coming soon
Dark_Scholars i saw that you left a review on my work but you didn't tag me here. don't worry I'll review yours too