Thanks for the review and I honestly was not expecting this so thank you very much for this.
As promised, here is my constructive opinion. Do remember that my opinion may not matter much to a male-audienced book.

  • Some sentences are quite long. Felt like I need to catch a breather after reading it. Maybe if you could shorten them, it'll ease up reading experience.
  • Some of the details/info can be kept separate or in a different chapter so the reading flow does not feel like we are moving here and there. Or you can withhold said information and release bit by bit so it'll leave reader guessing and wanting to know more.
  • In Chapter 1 where he held a knife. was that knife meant to attack himself or her? Nothing wrong here. Just curious.
  • Personally the second chapter is more of a page-turner than the first one. Just letting you know, in case the first chapter drives people away.
  • Loved the way you portray your MC - Totally justified his frustrations. And the MC love for books is very endearing. Your world building and its detail is awesome. Just from reading your book, I could feel your hard work, dedication and effort in it.

    SaberKey I reviewed your book, I liked it a lot! Well done 😃

    For anyone interested in doing a review swap with me, mine is here:

    Storm Brewing / My Entry to the WSA 😃

    Emma was always hyperactive and full of energy.
    She loved the stories her Grandfather used to tell her when
    she was little of fantastic beasts in the Dark Woods.
    After he passes, she sets out on an adventure from the advice her Grandfather gave her when she was young. She finds out just how special she really is, and just how real her Grandfather's stories were.

      Tharish99 Thank you for your review. As promised, here's my opinion

      • Break down the paragraph for ease of reading flow.
      • Breakdown the dialogues
      • I do notice some minor mistakes. It doesn't really hinder reading as our brain would automatically find the correct word but if you need help with minor grammar/spellings and don't know how, try Grammarly. It's free.
      • Not sure if it's just me, but the mannerisms of the people when having a dialogue are almost the same for all.
      • I love how feisty and sarcastic the FL is. I do wonder why she was covered in eggs and flour in almost all baking classes? I mean, why aren't there any action considering its repetitive.

      Cheers! x

        PerkyPompous_Pixie hii Thank u for ur opinion.. ❤❤
        I'm correcting some grammar issues and long paragraph issue these days..
        Btw I think you haven't got the point of 'baking class'. Please refer it again if u are intinterested.
        Good luck 👍

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