Read my book that will become one of the best books in the world. And I guarantee that because I've built up this story, this world, and all the characters for 10 years while I was 12 years old, accumulating everything for this book.

(Though I might be biting my own shoe here because only rich people can catch up to the latest chapter of this book, there are only few free chapters)

    GMSJakers Done, go have a look.

    Your output wouldn't be out of place as a teens show on Nickelodeon or Disney, and I mean that in an entirely sincere and complimentary way ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

      TheOneWho_Asked Thought I'd do you a solid - have a look.

      ((Also, about the .hack series, do try and watch at least .hack//SIGN if you can - given the similar themes and premise, I don't doubt going through that anime would help you come up with more ideas))

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