GMSJakers Done, go have a look.
Your output wouldn't be out of place as a teens show on Nickelodeon or Disney, and I mean that in an entirely sincere and complimentary way
GMSJakers Done, go have a look.
Your output wouldn't be out of place as a teens show on Nickelodeon or Disney, and I mean that in an entirely sincere and complimentary way
Hello fellow readers/writers.
Is anybody here interested in your 'usual' System genre? With Towers, Dungeons and Constellations.
I hope you could take a time to check out my FIRST novel with 33 chapters as of now.
I am open to constructive criticism, and hoping to grow more as a writer.
I'll read you book and give a honest and comment
review if you do the same for my first chapter
Please give honest reviews!
I need collection. My book link....
Review swap? Please review in 1-2 days or I delete my review. I'm tired of getting scammed.
It's done, sorry for the late reponse.'s-journal_24226431006174105
Willhem_Duy completed yours.
TheOneWho_Asked reviewing right now
Alright, I'm reviewing yours
TheOneWho_Asked Thought I'd do you a solid - have a look.
((Also, about the .hack series, do try and watch at least .hack//SIGN if you can - given the similar themes and premise, I don't doubt going through that anime would help you come up with more ideas))
want me to review yours?
TheOneWho_Asked That'd be much appreciated, yes
Here's the link -
TIA bud ^_^
HumanoidMosquito sure
do mine and so will I.
Up for a review swap anyone? Here’s the link to ‘If And Maybe’.
KayLillyt_1 sure, here is my link