Diamond_Shatterer Done... can you now do mine??
The book : http://wbnv.in/a/47h9Kyd
Incase, link Don't work please search (When the heart bleeds) and give your honest reviews
Diamond_Shatterer Done... can you now do mine??
The book : http://wbnv.in/a/47h9Kyd
Incase, link Don't work please search (When the heart bleeds) and give your honest reviews
DaisukiDayoSenpai I'm done too, and also added your story to my library. I am gonna read till the end
Wanna review swap? Here's my novel. I'll give yours a review ^-^
Account_nolonger Thanks a bunch! Your book is really interesting too, can't wait to read more. Totally didn't see that plot twist for ML coming hehhe.
AYESHA_FAHIM Done!!!! It's Hooked me up wow. !! Keep going I already like your book. Here is mine. http://wbnv.in/a/47h9Kyd incase link doesn't work search "When the heart bleeds"
DaisukiDayoSenpai Thank you so much
DaisukiDayoSenpai Done ! Go read my review...
Btw please do mine tooo
Here is the link. http://wbnv.in/a/47h9Kyd incase it's don't work search "When the heart bleeds"
GMSJakers Done kindly do mine too http://wbnv.in/a/47h9Kyd
When the heart bleeds
Dreamerx30 sure! Thanks a bunch ^-^ I'm currently reading your novel. I'll leave a review soon once I'm done with five or more chapters.
Dreamerx30 you only gave me three stars, ouch! heuheu
DaisukiDayoSenpai Did I?? 🫢 i think I click absentmindedly. Let me check it for you
Dreamerx30 Sure! I'm done with the review! I really like Liliana's character in your novel. I'll continue reading it. Did you join any contests?
DaisukiDayoSenpai Go and check I give you again Sorrry for my mistake..
DaisukiDayoSenpai unfortunately no. And that's what I am regretting..
I didn't give attention to it but now think I should give it a try. Will do in my next book which is coming next month. . . . That would be royal story
Dreamerx30 no worries! thanks a lot! ^-^
itsmeagain05 hey l've done reviewing ur yesterday but didn't get mine yet...
Also added to my library....
So hope u gonna do it soon...
DaisukiDayoSenpai hey wpuld u like to do comment swap and paragraph swap with me???
Give me ur link as well.... I will also add it to my library
Sure. I'm on it. :
Sure. I'm on it.