Greetings and Salutations, I am looking for a couple of people will to do a review swap. I will be scouring for people to do it with on this thread. You will likely see me in multiple responses. So if you are interested in giving my novel a read and doing a review swap, then just let me know. Anyone that gives me a review will be granted with the same courtesy.
September 2021- Review Swap here!
rydertheking I am willing to give that story a review. I hope that you return the favor.
Zhoa_Fei done, review mine if you can.
Anyone up for a collection and comments swap ^.^?
Hi guys!!
Pls I want an honest review and comment, pls do that for me
rydertheking done
DonDenis let's review swap
Here's mine
Tell me when you're done, I'll do yours
- Edited
DonDenis Review done~
Mayline_Carraro Done. Hope you could do the same.
GMSJakers Dond. I hope you do the same.
Want to do a review swap? Here is my link...!_24355087405828805
DonDenis sure here you are
do let me know when you are done
sm_yesa bro, I did a review on your novel but you didn't review mine yet. Just do it if you don't want me to delete my review
AYESHA_FAHIM I didn't receive your review.
Bookish_mind I was reading it, that's why it took so long
Please you all should check out my story
AYESHA_FAHIM I am done too
Good day! would you like to review-swap with me?'t)-regret-looking-for-the-dragon's-eyes_23341339006198405
Okay, I will do mine now
@f0011 Hi! Letting you know I am still waiting for the review, paragraph comments and chapter comments from you (of 2 chapters) as I have done yours 6 days ago. Thanks!
My two fantasy books try to check it out
Blood & Secrets:
The red kingdom:
Mayline_Carraro yes, I am in
Bookish_mind nice, I'll be on your book from now on
livingandreading Send me a link to yours
SoniiNaaz I am done
Ninestar619_5803 I am done
Review my novel and I will review yours.
Ninestar619_5803 I had no time today, I'll push your review for later, I'm deeply sorry
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Anyone wanna review swap? I give five stars and honest reviews
DaisukiDayoSenpai yeah sure, why not
Anotoki wanna review swap with me also collection swap???
Reply me if u r interested and then l will go do my work