These are my novels.'s-journey_18591839205245005 Makai's Journey is my official series and Lingering Tensions is a sequel to that series. If you care about not being lost you might want to start with Makai's Journey. If you don't then it would be nice for people to check out Lingering Tensions, as that one could use some more interaction.

SoniiNaaz I'd read your work but just 3 chapters, and also give you collection + power stone, also with honest review. Please do mine too, the title is "Seven Layers of Hell" and here's my link thank youuu^^

    Hi there, sorry for the late review. Was a little busy irl. The story was great albeit with a little inconsistency. I have mentioned it in both the review and the chapter comment. Other than that the story was awesome and would definitely follow it along. Thank you

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