As i said in the comment, i am only looking for people who actually give honest reviews. Yours is not honest at all, infact copy and pasting the same exact message is even worse. I'm deleting your review nor will i review your book(s).b

    f0011 Alright, I give review in this way, but I am going to real your novel and will review you.

      @Harem_Queen Left you a review just now. One thing I didn't mention in the review - there's a couple times in chapter 2 where the love interest's advances are compared to being like a webtoon or a romance manga. I love webtoons and romance manga's, but I'd be careful describing your own writing that way. I think it can fall into cliche fast, because your breaking the immersion of the reader a little bit. In my opinion its like, "well this is a romance webtoon essentially, so I expect stuff like this to happen anyway" I don't necessarily need to read the character feeling that way.
      Feel free to disagree, it's my personal opinion so I didn't include it in the review. My story is here:'s-little-helpers_24072808906930305

        JustGoDie13 Appricate the honesty! I'll make sure to read yours and leave a review before the day is over! Thanks for taking the time out and read my story. I'll try to improve myself!!!

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