ImperfectInfinity that is very descriptive yannnoo. artists won’t even bother with that if you ask for too much.

you gotta keep it simple they are after all doing it for free

    This is a really good feature from qidian. Though i'm not one of the writer, i also want to thanks to the artists. Because as a reader, i also enjoy a good cover

    xhuer I want them to know what I want, but I will take what I get and be happy with it. Otherwise, the best I can do on my own is stick figures :/

    Side note: Why is the placeholder for novels without covers so ugly?

    Death’s Heir
    [Pen Name]
    [link to work]’s%20&source=auto
    [Any ideas about the cover]
    Handsome young man, shoulder silver hair, grey eyes.
    A fiendish Grimm Reaper Stands behind him with one skeletal hand on his shoulder
    Completely black background.
    Just needs to convey the idea of being the heir of death

    sending this @Edgaaaar


    Can we still do this if we post 1-2 chapters a week but our chapters are around 3 times longer than most normal chapters? My word range is around 3000 sometime a bit less but mostly more. I would prefer not to divide the chapters into smaller parts so would this still count?

    OverPowered System!
    [Pen Name]
    [link to work]!
    [Any ideas about the cover]
    A young boy sitting on a throne (roughly 5 years old w/ black hair and white-marble skin). The throne is is slanted slightly because it is on a huge birds skull. He's wearing a two large daggers on his back via a buckle.
    There is a blue sky behind him with fluffy clouds. Perhaps there are some dead monsters in the skulls eyes.

    sending this @Edgaaaar

    Legend of the Perfect Emperor
    [Pen Name]
    [The link to your work]
    [Three keywords about the cover]
    Typical Xianxia background, long black hair, slim figure in white robes with his back facing the viewers. Male. Most preferably something like my current cover.


      Ventia Here's a way that I was able to focus on the story; listen to music, maybe rock, just nothing classical works.

        @Edgaaaar So was my cover request rejected ? I see you've made covers for the novels requested after mine but not mine ?
        Sorry for being impatient if the cover is not ready. And if rejected then can you please give a reason ?

          Huhuhu so beautiful. T-T I'm so excited to see mine.

            Law of Creation
            [Pen Name]
            [link to work]
            [Any ideas about the cover]
            I wish to make a young woman was standing in the middle of the mythical forest, sand she was looking at a sunrise.
            the detail that I want:
            1. Mc was riding a young white deer (without the horn). From the cover, we are seeing her back. maybe make her silhouette maybe?
            2. Make the forest become the foreground, with the darker colour, and in the background with a lighter colour (sun, cloud, star, etc).
            3. Make it a simple vector with monocolour (google image it if you don't know)
            I don't know if it was being too specific, but that was what in my mind. make it suitable to your taste. just give her a little mysterious nuance XD

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