I tried again using Paypal instead of my CC and it still didn't work.

    Paypal is suggesting the problem is on your end.

      Try this instead:

      Neverfire7 Not to worry! If you have an Android or iOS device, you can install the ‘Webnovel’ app on your phone. You can add money to your Google Play account or Apple account and pay for Spirit Stones via Google Play or Apple’s in-app-purchases!

      Ugh. I guess I could do that. A work around for a bug I guess. Thanks for the comment.

        That worked. Thanks. I guess they don't care much about PC users.

          I gave you the error code. I can tell you the sequence.

          - Click on "Get More" in the personal icon.
          - Click in the $49.99 item in the popup windows.
          - New window pops open
          - Paypal login window shows.
          - Click on "Pay with debit/credit card".
          - Fill in paypal information and submit.
          - Paypal seems happy, then this error message pops up.

          Using chrome. ublock origin and privacy badger active.

            have you ever try to temporarily disable all the browser addon during the purchase?

            too many times, the addon trys to do something smart, but instead, to doing something stupid.

              I've solved my immediate issue by paying through google so, I'm not all that interested in moving forward with this. I'd rather pay directly to cut google out of the loop and give them more money but at this point I think it's on these guys to solve it.

              I won't argue that it could be the ad blocker. These guys are trying to do something clever with their payment thing. For example, there's no reason to use the popup window to access Paypal. I'd suggest simplifying the process of payment so, the add blockers won't matter.

                I tried 3 times last night once with a debit card on paypal and twice with a prepaid visa card but neither worked even though I bought some before using the debit card and paypal.

                  I finally got a message after trying it this time, but it still failed to work.
                  Sorry, something went wrong
                  ID: 23492213314619914 Error Code: 2016-22001-0

                    Well, at least it's not just me. When I do trouble-shooting with my software, "happens only to one person" usually means I ignore it. "Happens to multiple people" means it's a real problem.




                      If you encounter any problems purchasing or expending Spirit Stones on webnovel.com or the APP, please send the following information to service@webnovel.com through e-mail.

                      Please include the following details: User Name, Account ID, Approximate Transaction Time, Amount, Paypal/GooglePlay/AppStore invoice. Thank you for your support.

                      Team Webnovel


                        Once I run out, I'll try again. Doesn't the error code tell you anything? I have to say it wasn't obvious from your web site how to report something like this. Maybe a webform button in the error popup. "Report to Support...".

                          a month later

                          i just got the same problem now with: Error Code: 2016-22001-0

                          i have tried now, multiple times, to buy different amounts with my card directly or through paypal as usual. I have tried restarting my computer or use a different browser. heck, i even tried in the app. the problem though, still persists.

                          now, i sent an email about this to support and hope for the best, but PLEASE, for the love of god, make a list of the different common error codes and what they signify.
                          f.ex. "Error Code: xyz" means it's a problem where the request went through, but there was no money left on the card/account.

                          if you could do this then it would greatly help so that we, as customers, don't feel like we're stumbeling around in the dark completely helpless and only hoping for the best. it might even be a simple fix on our side so we won't even have to bother support.

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