i just got the same problem now with: Error Code: 2016-22001-0
i have tried now, multiple times, to buy different amounts with my card directly or through paypal as usual. I have tried restarting my computer or use a different browser. heck, i even tried in the app. the problem though, still persists.
now, i sent an email about this to support and hope for the best, but PLEASE, for the love of god, make a list of the different common error codes and what they signify.
f.ex. "Error Code: xyz" means it's a problem where the request went through, but there was no money left on the card/account.
if you could do this then it would greatly help so that we, as customers, don't feel like we're stumbeling around in the dark completely helpless and only hoping for the best. it might even be a simple fix on our side so we won't even have to bother support.