Here's your review. To be honest, I like your storyline. However, something about your wording throws me off all around. You have a lot of work to do.
- Your characters lacked a whole lot of description.
For example, all I know that Kai is white, Lucifer is black, Sia is white.
Or you kidding me? Are you seriously telling your readers only about their hair colour?
- The situation in that mysterious building which I still had no idea what is it.
Kai, walks in to an unknown building. Walking across more gates and doors.
Then, there's five person waiting in that room.
As I continued to read, there's this odd relationship going.
So, Sia is the granddaughter. Lucifer is... father? Grandfather? And also his nameless wife.
In Chapter 2, pops out a Leon, and his nameless wife. What is their relationship?
Then, Sasha and Sarah pops up. Whose who's wife???
Now I got confused who is the daughter in law, who is the grandmother.
Grammar and spelling errors. (It's right below.)
Not scary and terrifying enough to catch my attention.
For example:
A month ago, near the deep waters of the ocean. A figure walked along the shore with long white hair, seemingly unfazed by the rolling of thunder, and sparks of lightening, making a perfect background for the ascension of souls to hell.
She was barefoot with a gown hung loosely on her shoulders. She seemed lost, but still moved forward anyway, eventually arriving at a desolate castle that seemed so out of place and wrong. Her face brightened at the sight of shelter, not knowing the dangers that awaits within.
Sia stepped in, found a suitable place to rest and lay on it. She glanced around, putting her environment to memory and checking for any unknown danger. before she knew it, she dozed off.
It wasn't long when she started resting that she felt a weight pressing on her palms and feet.
'What the...' she couldn't finish the thought since she suddenly screamed. Quickly gaining her senses, she was shocked by the sight in front of her.
A creature with a body so incorpeal, she could gaze past it, was staring at her with it's hollow eyes.
It didn't take a second before she knew what she was looking at.
'A spirit!' Shocked out of her senses she tried to move out of the way but realized to her horro that it wasn't just one. She was sorrounded by spirits with each one scarier than the first.
Sia experienced true fear for the first time. Her heart was beating so fast her chest hurt. But that wasn't an excuse for the spirits not to lunge at her. She ran. She didn't know how she was seemingly faster than the spirits but still ran.
'Maybe it's the adrenaline' she thought.
But that didn't last for long. The spirits dearly craved her living soul. They followed her with craziness in their movements and frenzied whispers. She was sorrounded. Again.
With no option left, She made a crazy decision and jumped into the cursed waters, hardly creating any ripple on its surface. The spirits stopped, shivered in fear and headed back.
Dude, you need serious proofreading.
Here's my version:
A month ago, near the waters of the ocean-- a figure with long white hair, walked along the shore.
She had a gown hung loosely on her shoulders and her feet bared.
Despite the rolling and crashing lightnings from the red sky, the pouring rain, the roaring waves of the seas-- the girl seemed unfazed, as she was lost.
Eventually, she saw a desolate castle that seemed so out of place.
'Wasn't this place a gateway to hell?' She thought.
However, her face brightened at the sight of the shelter.
The girl hurriedly ran towards the castle and make her way through the heavy gates and doors.
As expected, the castle is dark. There's no one here but her alone. But the fact that she finally escaped from the harsh environment, made her felt relief and eventually dozed off.
...Until she felt a weight pressing on her arms and feet.
Quickly regaining her senses, the girl opened her eyes, only to find that she's having trouble to move.
Green lights of floating flames lit up the entire castle.
However, the girl's attention is completely robbed away by the dark figure that was pinning her hands.
A flesh that was rotten till its bones were visible, yet so incorporeal that she could gaze past it. Although terrified, at the same time, she was filled with curiosity. She raised her head......
......just to notice that the dark figure with hollow eyes, is staring at her with a wide and disturbing grin.
"Freeessssh...... body......... soouuuuuuul...!!!" The creature screeched.
His rotten face and teeth shocked her to the core. It didn't take a second before she knew what she was looking at.
"NO-- GET OFF ME...!!!"
Shocked out of her senses, the girl struggled as hard as she could, but she couldn't break free.
...Until the dark figure opens his mouth.
The dark figure's mouth opens wide, till its face tore off-- till its mouth could swallow the girl's head in whole. Inside the figure's mouth, lies white figures of people's soul, screaming and crying for help.
"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" The girl screamed, after witnessing this horror.
The girl finally experienced true fear for the first time. Her heart was beats so fast that her chest hurt, but she couldn't care less.
She mustered all her strength and finally broke free.
Yet, only to realize she wasn't surrounded by just two spirits.
The spirits with their moaning and thirst for a living soul, are approaching her.
Every possible exit was sealed, but one door. Though it was narrow, but she think she could make it if she tried.
The girl, dragged her exhausted body and ran towards the door.
Using last ounce of strength, she pushed the door wide...
...just to find more despair.
It was a backyard, filled with countless graves, and countless dark figures.
Yet, among those-- only a small lake remained untainted.
The girl had no time to think. She could not back off, nor she could advance forward. She had been struggling from the clutches of the dark figures.
Thus, she made a choice.
The girl, jumped.
She jumped into the lake that created no ripple on its surface.
Why on earth am I even doing this...? I kinda regret this. But oh well, take it as you see fit. I wish to have more than five chapters in return. How about 20?