The Gourmet of another world translator has vanished yet again. Prevously they didn’t post for about a month then did around 4 chaps a week for like 2 weeks. Following the posted chaps the translator dissipeared again and has posted once in the past 2 weeks (translation speed says 4 chaps per week). Please find another translator for this novel. The current one is a good translator but is not transparent about their translation speed and often leaves without a word. I am even willing to have Gourmet of Another World go premium if that is what it takes to get a faster and more consistsnt translation.

    A_Baby_Seal changed the title to Gourmet of Another World Translator is AWOL AGAIN.

      I also agree that they need a steadier translator for this novel. Instead of finding one for Advent & HJC Qidian should hgave thrown them to this novel instead. Frankly the TL quality of HJC bites compred to Zen's work.

        QTip @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL doesn't respond at all when we ask about most of the novels on this site, but when someone asks about novels which are doing well (on other sites that is), like HJC, they rush forward to "save" them.

        please dont make it be premium 😭😭😭 its the only novel that doesnt need ss to unlock chap or watch ads to unlock chap. so please dont 😭😭

          aiirace_ I agree with you to some extent. Although, at this rate (like 1 chap every other week) you won't get to read the novel anyways.

            aiirace_ Premium novels update once a day for free, so i'd welcome this one going premium if it means we get 1 free chapter a day.

              well if u feel that this is slow.... there are some that are once a month or more

                Mute Not all of them. Swallowed star had slow and inconsistent chapters too. It went premium like two weeks ago. Updates still inconsistent but updates more often now. All of the chapters were premium though.

                • Mute replied to this.

                  Go premium or go down.

                    The only that goyrmet of anither is not premium is because of the translation speed

                      A_Baby_Seal not entirely sure, I posted a forum post a while back and quite a few people confirmed it. Could be they are just going along with it. I don't know.

                        this novel would be top 20 if it actually gets translated

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