NO ONE IS SAFE: From the cyberbully that runs rampart in Qidian Discord
Note that all editors and translators have moderation permissions.
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Storm6666 Look at that, the corruption of it all. I had an editor tell me once before in DM that they were not mod and I shouldn't talk to them about the stuff but to millman. I guess you know they want nothing to do with the stuff cause it gets sticky when they are your friends and they probs have some other work to do too. SMH
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Supreme_Idler one of the implicit rules of our sect is that we share our popcorn :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Flaffy Billdoor calling me names is not new, I have asked repeatedly for him to stop, I blocked him, I blocked his accomplice Neverfire long ago.
if you block the both of them, you shouldn't be able to read their messages. but from the screenshots, it looked like you unblock the both of them.
Flaffy Though I thought Qidian wanted to have a healthy environment?
no one claims qidian is a healthy environment. they might try to make it one, but how to ensure inclusivity and nondiscriminatory comments and still allow for the expression of personal opinions.
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Miya no from my screenshot I viewed the blocked message, because as I said, the convo was about me. Saint is not blocked and neither was phoenix both of which asked him a question saint making it clear it was about me. I viewed the blocked messages to see what and why exactly i was being discussed. I did not suspect it would be anything like that, I thought it was just a simple haven't seen her ina while kind of convo, only for it to be revealed as something rude.
Naught canst be achieved without terms and rules. The alliance treaty twixt us sees thee stay soothfast to two terms. Whosoever violates either of the two shall be warned for the first offense, kept silent for the second, and repudiated alliance for the third.
- Courtesy is but prioritized at all times, thus speak kindly as thou shalt not hurt with thy words. The world maketh all brothers and sisters; should there be discontentment today, thou shalt meet thereon and forego resentment with a smile. Dear users, please get along with each other.
- Thou shalt never spread influence of the evil, advertisements, and objects of obscenity to the requiescence of our alliance. Spam and mature content are forbidden.
Those seem like rules to promote healthy server environment. In the discord server, it clearly states that and since millman did not change the rules I suspect they will still be enforced, thus making it seem like it wanted a healthy environment. So my statement of thoughts assumptions are clear and justified.
Flaffy Flaffy chan, as someone that is not involved with all this problem, and just now read your reply to BaiSiwa post, i have to say, dont be sad and try to not get all heated in this, after all, if they from the start didnt think af being nice and not toxic, is even worth it to put all of that in their faces? Do they even care? Is that worth your time? I support your cause, hope you dont feel depresed and can continue to do what you love.
And Baisiwa, I feel really sad of your problem, Bulling something that should not even exist, so i will tell you what my mother, in my younger days, used to tell me, If they hit you son, kill them Hope it gets all better for you.
Sincerely and with love, Mr.Rabbit.
MrRabbit I am not sad, nor depressed, thanks for your concern. As I said it is not their actions that upset me, but the powerlessness I feel to be able to say something in response to it that will take this weight off of me.
In a real life convo when someone calls you a whore, you make up some shit as well "yeah well i heard you sucked so and so's dick, come talk to me when you get the cum off your face" which may or may not cause an argument, to which i would gladly participate to be more at ease, but in this server i had personally experienced that you get muted and warned and banned and the rules were pointed out to me.
This biasness is not fair to me and that pisses me off more so than the actual insult. The fact that someone like Miya, who was once neutral, will laugh and joke with this person and then when he does shit like this they will tell me to let it go, to me its baffling to see that bias association continue to take hold. People sit back and watch him do the stuff they say nothing, if I say something, you see what I get? laughs, popcorn and let it gos. Who will tell him to let it go? When do I get the chance to retaliate and respond and say nasty things about him and spread lies and rumors about his intelligence and what little sex he can get?
All I can do to vent my rage is this little bit on the forums, with the hope that this message reaches those and warns them of what kind of environment the discord server is. I have been in many discord servers, and most don't allow toxic things like that to persist as long as this has, and its probably only because they let him, which brings me back to the bias i feel.
To clarify once more, I have never once been saddened or depressed by this. I reach out for the irritation of not being able to confront the monster because of bias rules that will only apply to me.
oh man, why can't we all get along.
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Another thing I need to address since it is obviously being misconstrued yet again.
@Lonelytree brought up a point in discord, saying that its not like I don't know I'm not welcome. Its actually that i know I'm not welcome by you and the people of your sect.
And if this guy actually cared not to spread rumors with neverfire he would know, that I was not even active for over 2 weeks on the server at all 3 weeks I was not even active in chats. This inactivity solely due to the previous act of biasness where I was muted for not discussing topics (colors of roles) in the proper channels. And before the revamp of the server I was not even that active in the chats anymore I was mostly in other channels popping in and out, barely noticeable!
No lonelytree did not take it upon himself to learn that info they didn't care probs and just wanted to spread info, just like I am now with this sentence.
he also made a comment that he doesn't think anyone is breaking the rules, might I add I saw plenty of sect discussion going on, is that not part of the server, are discussing matters of the server not reserved for the server suggestions discussion channel is that not what I was muted for previously? If that wasn't what I was muted for Millman needs to reaffirm his DM cause that's definitely what he said.
So you don't like that i point out the truth and present it in a way which you cannot deny is the truth, so instead you will say everything is fine and that I am ranting and raving cause i wanna start something.... I wanna start something? But who is it who pinged me? Better find the phantom! Heard a rumor it was phoenix, but you know what forget the ping, who was talking about flaffy? Oh right your clansmen! You are so funny man, I'm looking for it and they are what victims of my blow up? Then why the hell would they even start talking about me so randomly!??!?!?!
@_ain@ Fellow Forum pplz, the bullshit and rumors are real. Which is why I constantly feel like the cancer continues to spread. Do I even know this guy lonelytree? I dont even remember having a convo with him before, but yet he knows so much about what i want to do....
Fluffy! Fighto! Ganbatte kudasai!
just to make it clear and not drag down other people, I got my ban little girly, hope you can now get really off on this aspect.People will applaud you, other will hate you.
But as a matter of fact, you are and will still be a little ***** Crave for attention here as much as you like,
argue with people to your heart's content and at the end of the day, you will still be a little #####.
For the people on the discord i really hope you will never show your face, as 'interesting' as this might be, you stir emotion up in people that are neither love nor hate, its more like annoyance or disgust.
Cheers out my little *****, have fun
Billdoor If people have those feelings they should speak them out. I think i had a place for those feelings to be placed, let me seee.....
If the people in discord cannot speak their minds, it is not on my part as I previously said before I cannot help with something that was not brought to my attention. If they choose to ignore their feelings and just ignore me that is fine, I wasn't even that active for them to care anyways. If they have a problem they should speak up and be more clear, cause I have yet to receive a DM from anyone.
i want to know why the server admin not baning them
they using Qidian the cyberbully and if qidian let them keep do it its just sad and someone need to get fired
and honestly there alot of shitty people in the world and you need to learn to ignore them
i dont think you using discord qidian server to talk with them right ? so talk the pepole you want and ignore the bullys.
and why you care what they say when you know they just board and waiting to someone to respond to them
they want the attention become the unsuccessful in thier life and need someone to make fun of .
so ignore them and dont care about what they say let the little kid fight with there self
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DaoistTwistLove read previous posts. I answer all that you asked. The problem is its cancer, he says something and monkey see monkey do everyone repeats and follows.
For example as i saidbefore barely remember even speaking to lonelytree before but he seems to spread out in discord about what i know and what i want without any of my say so, without the facts thus the rumors from a translator becomes fact on some ears, my very point in my very first discord post.
When I complain of the things done before no one had done anything and the only thing i was allowed to do is post on forums because if i post in discord they would say im arguing and use that excuse to ban me unjustly, so i posted this. And now he is banned.
Wow, there is nothing wrong with a little teasing but you guys just seem pathetic.