Flaffy you say it is already written inthe rules but guess what hon its not. In rules channel there is the 2 rules from sunny, the old channel rules from maika and 3 from you, one about spamming, another about xp, and the one you added about ignoring the rules. There is NO RULE WRITTEN that says if channel topics are not followed you will be warned and muted and banned for not following the rules there is no rule in that channel

The rules are here for a reason, ignoring rules (or channel topics) repeatedly and/or ignoring warnings will result in a server mute. After being unmuted, ignoring the rules again will result in the user's being XP reset. If it happens a third time, the user will be banned.

That's directly copied from the rules channel. Please note the 'or channel topics'.

    Millman97 he he you shot yourself in the foot bruh. Cause that is not the rule i broke that made me get muted. I was muted for not following a silent rule you claimed was explicitly written, it is not.

    That rule is a rule about the rules!!! It does not specify the actual broken rules that will get you those things!!

    After the rules explicitly state, discussion about the new roles are for the server suggestions channel

    Direact quote from you as to why i was muted. Now you wanna tell me where that rule is fool? Oh right you aint get to it yet like i said. So the silent rule continues and im supposed to believe you dont have more? That is my point with the rules that you say you will be punished for not following them butthey are not written. I could be muted xp deprived and banned for any goddam thing with this explanation.

    Sorry your not a fool just a little irritated that i have said this countless times already and you seem to be skipping over it

      Flaffy Slight miswording on my part there, it was explicitly stated in the announcement that day.

      Hope you enjoy the new features (and if you have any complaints, wait until you're a high enough level to voice them in <#429010286138097674> 😄 )

      That is what I was referring to before.

        Millman97 because that is clear and not subjective at all....

        And again its not a rule! It's an announcement. Do you know that someone will have to scroll just to see that announcement? You have added new channels and you dont specify the rules of those channels. Maika already made the first 10, you just needed to continue to add the rules as you created the channels. But you didnt and after i told you about it you said eventually. So for me I want you to understand, like i said before you can see why i would be wary of being punished for breaking a silent rule not actually written in the rules!!

          Flaffy It's not a silent rule; it was just added to the announcements before a more general version was made. The day you were muted was the day that announcement was made, so it was the most recent announcement with no scrolling needed and @Everyone was pinged, so everyone should've seen this.

          And the new rules in the server are actually coming today thanks to Storm writing them up properly.

            As a side note to all women, if you wonder where comedians get the stereotypical jokes about females not letting shit go, constantly bringing up the past and beating dead horses in an argument... I present to you this thread.

              Millman97 well thats great news.

              But until it is written there it is a silent rule and so you in your previous post making claims about twisting and trying to make it seem like what i said is not true is just false cause the fact is its not a rule its an announcement. And to this timestamp it is still an announcement and it is not explicitly a rule as it does not say it is a rule anywhere in that announcement!! nor does the actual content meet the definition of the word explicit which is clear and detailed which that announcement portion is not!!

              I am not a liar and i have never once made up something that didnt happen, i may misunderstand due to lack of information on my part but i always say if something is my opinion or not.

                Gamblejay Yes cause women are supposed to sit back and be insinuated to be liars and allow people to talk crap about what they do and not respond. Oh and lets not forget they have to make the meals and clean the house and god forbid they wear no make up, i can make jokes too buddy but you dont wanna go down that road with me.

                I dont think so buddy. Stop trying to change the narrative of my thread. Nice try though, have a nice day thanks for visiting.

                  Flaffy No no no, it is a rule. There is a rule in the rules channel stating to follow the channel topics. There's an announcement that explicitly states to keep server discussion in server discussion channel. It's not a secret rule.

                  Also, the point about you twisting the truth was this, but you also straight up lied about me threatening to ban you in DMs.

                    Millman97 Millman i reallyhate when you do this we just went over this.

                    IF IT IS AN ANNOUNCEMENT AND IS STILL AN ANNOUNCEMENT A MONTH LATER!!!! IT IS NOT A RULE BUT AN ANNOUNCEMENT!!! If the announcement says to keep server discussions to a specific channel you might wanna make that announcement a rule.

                    You dont see people announcing laws and not writing them the down do you? Cause then it wouldnt be a law!! It would be an announcement!!

                    And you did tell me after you muted me and i approached you in DM you accused me of being a troll and that if i did it again you would ban me. That to me is a threat. Maybe to you it is a warning but to me it was a threat.

                      DaoistFedUp I feel like every morning when the forum page loads and the little circle in the left hand corner appears he does the Bad Boys "WoooSaaah"

                        Gamblejay i will take those points buddy.

                        Flaffy +10
                        Random person -10

                        Guess im just better at assessing my own gender jokes than you are, who would have thought!! Lmaoo

                        I'd honestly love to continue this banter but you know, this thread isn't for that so how about you take your jokes here:

                          Flaffy IF IT IS AN ANNOUNCEMENT AND IS STILL AN ANNOUNCEMENT A MONTH LATER!!!! IT IS NOT A RULE BUT AN ANNOUNCEMENT!!! If the announcement says to keep server discussions to a specific channel you might wanna make that announcement a rule.

                          No. If an admin makes an announcement saying don't do something, that's a rule. And there is a rule in the rules channel for it anyway, I just made it more general when I added it to the rules channel so it would encompass all channels, not just the server suggestions channel.

                          The rules are here for a reason, ignoring rules (or channel topics) repeatedly and/or ignoring warnings will result in a server mute. After being unmuted, ignoring the rules again will result in the user's being XP reset. If it happens a third time, the user will be banned.


                          Flaffy And you did tell me after you muted me and i approached you in DM you accused me of being a troll and that if i did it again you would ban me. That to me is a threat. Maybe to you it is a warning but to me it was a threat.

                          Where was the mention of a ban here? I think you're misremembering...

                            Flaffy Sure, whatever makes you happy kid.

                            If blowing up, throwing a temper tantrum and failing to understand that at the end of the day Millman is still going to be a mod, the people in discord will still dislike you, you changed absolutely nothing but gained more ire then hey... you do you.

                            Meh.. what's the point of that thread anyway.. if the goal is to bring more hate to either you (flaffy) or the others, well you succeeded 👌🏻.

                            Honestly, I didn't even read what you wrote, reasons? it's too damn long for what you intend to tell. I can already guess what's the context with everybody else answers.

                            Must be something like:
                            ~ Not happy, rules not followed, got bullied, blah blah blah.
                            and the answers are either:
                            ~ Oh, right rules should be enforced and bulling is bad and blah blah blah.
                            ~ Reasons, explanations, screenshot, trolls.

                            and those points go back and forth without any progression.

                            Let me say it straight, this thread SHOULD NOT be there. This have nothing to do there and should be settled privately and if nothing comes of it then with MAIL towards people with powers, not with a community that doesn't have access to the FULL context.

                            Thanks you to leave your toxic complaints where we don't see them, thanks ♥.

                            Anyway, no need to reply to this post and twist facts or whatever, I really don't care.

                            TL;DR: Stop being toxic and solve this privately.

                              Millman97 dude...

                              Millman97 No. If an admin makes an announcement saying don't do something, that's a rule.

                              Your just making my point that rule can be made up willy nilly by you without users have prior notice just cause you said something sibjective in the announcements channel.

                              You arent even following your own channel topics rule cause if you were you would have posted the rule in the rules channel and not the announcements cause you know channel topocs and all. Announcement for a rule would be like "check out the new rules regarding channels" not the rule itself. But who cares if no one reviews the old ass announcements it was a rule cause you said it but actually didnt specify it was a rule....


                              That is how i see rules, that is how everyone sees rules, that is how policy works everywhere!!! If you do not write it there, its not a rule its a suggestion but you didnt see it that way because....i have no idea to your insights on this. Point blank and simple everything you been saying leads back to announcements not back to the rules...the only thing in the rules is punishment of breaking the announcement suggestion.

                              As far DMs go I do not believe my memory is wrong, as messages can be deleted and changed much like how the announcement was changed to include the channel ping which originally when I was muted had not been there. So I dont really believe your screenshot, and on another note its not like its anything bad cause regardless it is your job as admin to threaten what you percieve to be toxic with bans. As my memory recalls the time within our convo, I remember standing on the corner of Park Ave and 61st street waiting for my uber while still listening to the music N0xiety was playing in the music chat at the time, and i remember reading right after you said that trolling comment you said if i repeat my actions i will be banned. Again I dont believe my memory is false since i remember so much detail about that convo specifically and yet nothing else about the day except that moment which is too strong to be a false memory for me.

                              It doesnt even matter cause like i said Im not a liar and im not twisting anything since me saying that was in response to tugster saying there were no admins, and what do admins do? Threaten to ban, make the rules, threaten to mute etc! So it is not a twisted fact to make anyone look bad it is just the nature of the job.

                                Saint you say that and yet millman is the one who responded to this as well.

                                You say that but you also respond to this as well.

                                This thread only keeps going because of you all asking, and then falsely accusing . And then i end up repeating the same thing which i already said that the purpose of it was to voice out what i could not in the discord channel because i would be banned.

                                What millman is talking about could definitely be talked about privately but the thing is we already did and i told you what he said in the first post and he says here the same shit he said there but this time he is trying to make it seem like i am a liar and discredit what i say. Then I want to respond again to clear up his misunderstanding.

                                You dont have to read this thread sir, no one forced you to click it. I have said my piece and now i am just responding to whatever others have to say. Just like i am now, i see your opinion bud you dont think we should continue this thread, you think if i walk away this thread will stop? I said nothing for over 12 hours it didnt stop this thread. So bruh....what is your reason for continuing to post here?

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