Millman im a little tired of going over this with you yet again, you say it is already written inthe rules but guess what hon its not. In rules channel there is the 2 rules from sunny, the old channel rules from maika and 3 from you, one about spamming, another about xp, and the one you added about ignoring the rules. There is NO RULE WRITTEN that says if channel topics are not followed you will be warned and muted and banned for not following the rules there is no rule in that channel that says new role discussions musy be in server suggestion discussion it does not say that! Which brings us to our threat which if you read clearly the last post you made which was made in a response to me after that thing happened!! Clearly says the user will be banned, for those who "do not follow the rules". I have asked you repeatedly to update the rules and you said you "rules will be updated eventually" so dont try to make it seem that i am lying or "twisting" anything because this is what i see and from my point of view the rules were not updated to include that. In my DM you had told me that if i repeated my actions that you ban me, to me that is a threat, a passive one but still is one.
To be clear I wrote this discord post again in frustration because it took you 3-4 hours to respond. This happened at one and you didnt reply to my DM until 5PM EST. Dont make it seem like i posted this after you replied to me, cause thats not what it was, twisting facts huh? Anyways if you vheck my DM you can see i clearly didnt think you would do much and so in my frustration i came here, maybe you missed that point? Don't pretend that your previous actions did not affect my view of you. Based on the previous happenings it seemed more likely if i had not come here but instead had it out with the guy you would have banned me as well. As i said ignoring is not something i do, holding in feelings of rage helps no one, everyone rages onthe internet I am allowed that, just not in your discord sever cause i will be the first to be banned yes?
Millman97 Ok, by the time you sent this message, you'd definitely received my response to you on discord saying that I'd muted him. I don't really get what more you want from this post at this point...
I was responding to the guy based on my feelings at the time and i still feel that had i taken matters into my own hands then like i did here on forums it would have been used as an excuse to ban me. Something like " i dont care who started it, you should have just ignored" like i said based on previous happenings where i get muted for discussing the same colors that YOU WERE WITH ME on the wrong channel i was the one muted and made an example, the people that asked me they dont matter cause i was the example! The fact that you joined in didnt matter cause you know i wass warned by you but you talked with me about it anyways. You can see how my mind would not think you would allow such things. So my point os to get my own satisfaction at having said my words to and about these things without the threat of your ban hanging over my head. Yes it is a threat to me when you have rules that are not updated and say that if we dont follow them we will be banned, i will look likethe sorry fuck to fall in that trap "but it didnt say that...." so I came here where i know i release my rage, and let others know my experience as i saw it through my eyes to warn them of the messy stuff. Sleep with one eye open kind of thing.
I appreciate you taking the time to mute the guy, i hope we wont need to go through this again with some changes implemented.