Is Webnovel "adjusting" the ratings for the vast majority of the novels hosted here? It just seems like even the crappiest of novels that barely gets 3 on Novel Updates gets like 4.2-4.3 out of 5 here. If you check the ratings of overwhelmingly vast majority of the novels they will be in 4.1-4.6* range, it's like a novel picked up by Webnovel magically becomes better. It makes the rating system redundant if you are trying to make each and every bad novel look good. Seriously I do not even check the rating here and go directly to Novel Updates.
Honestly it just makes you look petty.
Webnovel Novel Rating
It has to do with the ability to rate a novel multiple times with one account. As long as a fanboy or fangirl can rate a novel more than once, the rating will be off.
i thought you run the comment/rating section of qi as big data, and find some statistics irregularity, instead, you just think so without anything to back you up
that is pretty low and petty
asyeola Is Webnovel "adjusting" the ratings for the vast majority of the novels hosted here?
I doubt it, they don't really need to since their rating system has 5 categories of 1-5 vs NU's Single rating of 1-5. That will naturally 'inflate' the rating.
What also doesn't help is 50-75 reviews BEFORE the novel is released. That's not how to get honest ratings.
What I usually do is take 10% off the QI rating to get a more reasonable rating. It's not perfect but is a little more realistic.
For example:
Library of Heaven's Path
QI rating 4.4 x .9 = 3.96
NU rating 4.0
The King's Avatar
QI rating 4.7 x .9 = 4.23
NU rating 4.2
Titan Beneath the Heavens
QI rating 2.4 x .9 = 2.16
NU rating 2.3
It would also be great if on QI 'Translation Quality' was separate from the other four categories since IMO that's the one that has the biggest impact on the novel. No matter how good a story is, poor TL quality and editing can ruin them.
checkm8 True. I made a list for the QI ratings here
- Edited
Nope it has completely to do with the culture of this site. As in the vast majority of the type of people that flood this site and leave reviews. You can go look at 99.999999999999999999999999999999999% of the reviews for the majority of novels and see most are 5 star reviews, that are in no way shape or form an actual review. People just leave 5 stars and treat the review section as if it was a youtube crap post comment section, where they leave what they think is funny one liners. or just say its amazzzinng!!!! with out reading it, or saying why.
QI doesn't adjust, them as far as i can see. But it certainly is not going out of its way to fix the cancer that is its review section. Or encourage people to leave real reviews.