ShurA_1S bro I feel your pain this was the best looking IMO site for fanfics I found with no ads or anything like that I could find any fanfic I wanted even if it just came out and was from an unknown writer but now if I try I can’t read it and when I go to the app it sucks the website is super user friendly and lets you easily ready just by scrolling down on the app you need to like swipe to the side and it’s super iffy

    ShurA_1S no meu caso sou Br e utilizo o site pra ler muitas novels com a tradução automática do Google com essa desgraça de app nem consigo ler nada porque não sou fluente em inglês, sem noção esse povo, quer colocar um app pra baixar coloca outros benefícios, tira a desgraça de ler of do site e deixa exclusivo do app sei lá, mas n fode com quem tá de boas utilizando o serviço deles.

    Miguel_Sayjin Exactly as soon as you enter, you already put ads on the same application chale I will no longer be able to see facfic of kasugano ren f

    The funny thing is authors using the website aren't able to read their own chapters.
    How the mighty Webnovel have fallen!

      Bruh the first thing you have to do for all good website is to make good UI to accommodate all people with different abilities such as eyesight problems. Some can argue that You can enlarge texts on the app but reading 3 words per line seems miserable.


        In the last two days, Webnovel has been forcing FANS to download ITS Webnovel APP for all devices (laptops, readers, IOS...etc.). When I first discovered this site, it was optional, now to continue to read, I am forced to download an APP I don't need or want. I was able to pay per chapter and purchase chapters in "Bundles." These options are completely removed, so to continue reading "FANS," have no choice but to download the APP.

        As a FAN, I feel greatly disappointed in this decision, whether by the authors or upper management, to force its FAN BASE to download its app just to read. Not only will the authors lose out on revenue, but fans like myself will go elsewhere for their enjoyment.
        ==Note: After reading the few free chapters, I will be removing stories from my library since I am unable to purchase chapters. I do not see a reason to keep it. I will also be posting this complaint in other books to show my displeasure.

          14 days later

          So... There doing it again for some reason. Just why?!?

            Now this prompt seems to appear only on smartphones but not on PC. I compared the two and on PC it let me read the entire chapter but when I watched it on a smartphone it prompted me to download the app but I'm not sure.

            Web Novel Novel Ask