ShurA_1S I've been here for over 2 years and unfortunately I'm witnessing the death of this site
"Download the App" How about no?
Miguel_Sayjin yo casi 3 año
Miguel_Sayjin Not gonna be surprised if they really kill the site after a few weeks and say "We're officially switching to mobile app only, thank you for being with us on the browser version, bla bla bla.." and shit like that, do they really fucking think that because they switch to phone app its impossible to copy chapters for pirates? They will just rewrite the chapters to pc looking at the phone screen, i know at least some of them will, it's not really gonna stop anyone..
It really wants me to download a app for mobile and tablet as a pc reader. I cannot for the life of me use it now. Well done making a website useless, because I don´t read on mobile ever cause the small screen just sucks.
ShurA_1S they seem to forget that there is a screenshot lol
webnovel ppl are just retarded at this point i wish i could convince the few fanfiction writers to change site cuz this is shit and its getting worse
email for anyone who wants to complain
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Dang. I just found this out right now. Wanted to read a new akikan fanfic update then this shit. Now I'm just leaving this site for good unless they bring it back.
dagoyaju Yeah i get that, not only because of your reasons, but also because i don't really have the time to use the phone for reading anything if they really thought that "Hey, you can read webnovel anywhere you go!" then fuck you, because i'm too busy to start reading a novel at work or anywhere else, i'd rather get home and do that while resting and on a laptop that has much bigger screen and text. Like after like half an hour of reading on phone, my eyes become unfocused and i start seeing slight "doubles" because i have to keep phone close to my face to read, i don't like make the text too big since it just ruins the reading for me.. So yeah, fuck the app and fuck webnovel
ShurA_1S not to mention the amount of ads in the app
ShurA_1S same here but i have bad eye sigh and after few mins my head start to hurt too and its annoying webnovel ppl totally gone bonkers for sure
моя проблема в другом в ебучем приложении нет переводчика а я как ты видишь знаю только казахский,русский,немецкий(на разговорном)польский(на уровне ругателств) с украинским так же ..раньше мне читать помогал удобный гугл переводчик )
пишу на русском так как бывшие страны снг его понимают лучше чем чужой национальный язык )
WereWolf1987 I just can hope that they will return the pc site back to normal, if they won't they can just say goodbye to maybe like 70% maybe more of their users, because i for sure won't fucking use the app not only cuz i can't use it, but also cuz i'm just not gonna waste my time looking at that small screen and ruin my sight even more. I can also see that i'm not the only one here who thinks like that, it's the majority here, plus you won't even find an idiot rn on the whole forum go and try scream shit like "HELL YEAH MOBILE APP ONLY, I WAITED YEARS FOR THIS"
I am a PC reader. I can not download the app in my PC. I do not like reading in a mobile or tablet. It is extremely inconvenient for me.
Edward_Aster Ну, мне благо проблем с этим нету, я хоть в школе английский и не выучил ибо скучно пздц, а вот как закончил, через игры и новеллы выучил быстрее чем в школе пытались все вдолбить. Но да, понять могу насколько это трудно хоть что-то без переводчика понять, а тут ещё и такое дерьмо на голову от них, заебца что сказать..
No solo eso sino que tambien nos arruina la lectura a los que hablamos diferentes idiomas y usamos el traductor del navegador como lo es en mi caso, soy de lanoamerica y tengo mas de 1000 novelas guardadas en mi biblioteca y me parece una falta de respeto de la gente de webnovel hacer esta clase de cosas que nos arruinan el tiempo y la dedicacion de cada lector que ha puesto en su pagina, un insulto la verdad.
gona go read on pirate sites ..
man this is bs
WindStraker Puedo estar completamente de acuerdo con eso, de hecho es muy irrespetuoso de su parte. Lamentablemente, ahora mismo solucionan esto en uno o dos días o pierden a los usuarios del sitio de su PC, lo que probablemente les afectará mucho.
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Shura the next weird solution i found is using bluestacks on pc and downloading webnovel on it which is super convoluted stuff and annoying and there is the annoying ads too lol