I dont mind going for it but I do not know any chinese...besides we dont know who's attending right?....fortunately, dinner time stated coincides with breaking fast time so thats a +1.....πŸ˜‚

    Even though i can drive cross there, it not worth it..
    I mean, i just will go there to eat free foods..

    Hurry up go back write more chapters
    Translator ?
    Hurry up go back translate more chapters

      WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I would love to go for this meeting! :D its like the perfect time to meet the translators who have put in effort into bringing these amazing novels to an english speaking audience as well as the team behind this qidian international idea :) its also a great time to meet other readers who greatly appreciate these novels!

      Man, it's hard being poor. Look at all those people gathering and having so much fun and back to me where crying myself to sleep is becoming more common
      Can anyone show me pictures if they go so that I can antagonize them for weeks to come :angry:
      .And congratulations on going there too :thumbup:

        It will be great if there is a list of VIP invited for the event. It helps people to decide as there are some who have to break their banks to come there. Has to be worthwhile no?

        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Hi. I wld like to attend as im also an aspiring author. Would like to meet these living legends who are so good at writing to gain aspirations and motivationsπŸ’ͺ🏼

        Well, it is nice to come and join for the fan meeting, unfortunately, and that date, I already had another travel schedule..

        As someone who has been reading the webnovels since the beginning of translations with ISSTH, coiling dragon and stellar transformations, since then i have followed and been reading over 50 novels ,this seems like a perfect opportunity to meet the authors of similar fantastic works and learn their ideas on how they began. I have tried to write a novel myself but i always fail thinking that the idea seems too similar to current novel layouts or plots. This would be a perfect time to learn from the pros.
        I would love to attend this event.

          Getting poor is truly hard. If and only if i can come... I just want to try my chinese and english proficientcy language. Only hope this kind event become anualy later.

          I also want to know how the author develop their idea into a story

          Modsan yes pls fill my stomach and brain with pics of food and company

            I can't even go when I am living in Singapore T-T :(

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