HouseOfLee Hey dear, I really enjoyed reading your book. I am done with reading and reviewing. Here are my books. Pick anyone that suits you best and review. Thanks, hun.
Honest Review swap.
HouseOfLee Hey dear, I really enjoyed reading your book. I am done with reading and reviewing. Here are my books. Pick anyone that suits you best and review. Thanks, hun.
Hi, I would love to do honest review, comment and collection swap with you. My book is Project 007.
It’s not everyone’s cup of tea since it’s not in the romantic genre.
I’m a novice writer. And it’s been hard to get attention from readers since majority wants romance. Thank you in advance
Sweet_Vanilla553 I have done yours
Jenival_Enyia Thank you very much, I also done yours as well and added it to my reading. It’s very entertaining
KyrieUzumaki I have done yours! I cannot wait to see more
_Rockbison_ Since I do not read romance genre, and your is not my type either, are you sure you want me to review yours?
Jenival_Enyia Since I do not read romance/love/clichè genre, and yours is not my type either, are you sure you want me to review yours?
I give you review if you add my book in your library. My book link...
I give you review if you add my book in your library. My book link...
I give you review if you add my book in your library. My book link...
HouseOfLee sure here's mine, I'll do yours too.
Pls do mine too
I give you review if you add my book in your library. My book link...
Zherie17 yeah of couse.... Why not....
I always believe that we should try something new always...... And reading ur story l have experience that one of the unique story that everyone should read atleast one.....As long as the story is not bad ....
And that's why l am recommending u to read mine as well....Even if u don't like reading romantic books but still u can give it a try..... Thank u....Hope u will enjoy it....
Jaison_Arbor It is done!
Frorstyflame I’ve done so!
Rainbow420 I’ve added it, I’ll be sure to read it as well