How much we can earn from webnovel? After and before contract?? I am writing a novel which goes 20 chapters...
Dreamerx30 Nobody can assure you that you will actually earn from here.
Zherie17 No, I have heard that $200 would be given to the author after one month. . . Is it fake
Dreamerx30 That is just their foolish marketing strategy. LOL!
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Dreamerx30. it's not fake. WN actually pay, keep writing.
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You don't mean 'heard'. It's on the 'Minimum Guaranteed system' that at least 200$ at the end of every month right? As long as you meet the quota of words. But I wonder if it's really guaranteed or not? I've heard of people making at least 20-50$ bucks.
[BECOME A MEMBER] I make over $200-$300 an hour for online work. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining I easily made $30k with no online jobs knowledge. Just try it out on the attached page.
More details.......
ThyUnknownSaint those who earned $200 below simply didn't meet the qouta of 1500 words per day... you just have to work hard to get paid.
ThyUnknownSaint It's very less...
When you sign an Exclusive contract, and meet the minimum publishing requirements, then you get a minimum of $200 USD for four months. After that, it is strictly what you earn from subscriptions and gifts. You get 50% of all profits from your work, after overhead costs are taken out. You do not retain rights to your work with the Exclusive contract. Non-Exclusive contract gets you 30% profits after overhead, but you retain full rights to your work. I do not know if MGS is available for Non-Exclusive contracts. I would check with an editor on that. Hope this helped!
I want to know about non exclusive contract.
I believe you go through ShareStory for it. They distribute your work to multiple platforms, I think. I personally only have Exclusive contracts, so I cannot comment directly on them. However, I do not plan to do another Exclusive with Webnovel. Them owning the rights to the Work is too limiting for my liking. I suggest asking an editor on the InkStone discord server for details. Or the other authors(probably more honest opinions). Hope this helped dear. Good luck with your writing