
Thank you so much for your time and efforts.......this is the best review I ever get. I find your torture tactics are more insane...can come handy at some time. I'm sure to work on my lacking...........sure...........sure your are the boss and tell us when are you going to stop...πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…

    Majer3 Thanks for an awesome review, I like the way you expressed πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ I am glad that you took the time to review my book, I appreciate your efforts, dear friend, Nice meeting you πŸ˜„ have a good day and stay blessed πŸ™Œ


      You are welcome.
      Generally since it had been already tens of novels, there might be possibility that one or more haven't liked what I have written about their work. But yea hopefully funny at least.
      We are building a writer community with few friends but it will still need updates on the website and discord bot system is not done yet but I will leave link to it later. For those who are interested in writing or discussions about writing and promotions of their works.


        Okay now we get to continue with the mafia ;D please check the earlier review where pigs get human flesh and the choices of torture methods are discussed and analyzed.
        -Now I figured its a comedy. Damn no proper torture needed/5
        -Stakes are high KING of THE MAFIA WORLD!! lets see the unique skills of this criminal mastermind!
        -"For some reason the cold blooded and ruthless man suddenly changes personality whenever Fenhua is around mad becomes the endless pamperer and cute stay at home boyfriend." oh no, nooo dont take the cruel awayyy always these women somehow doing that/5.
        -World building, hey lets throw a random number and call it sector/5.
        -Dialogue relates the feelings of the character, thats good thing for this genre. Particularly important
        -Very dialogue driven, as usual I would like to see some contemplation and environments, but also some knowledge of motives.
        -ah the princess. This reminds me of principle women are children and men are monkeys. I view this principle and equivalency to the reality as a defacto in all occasions.
        -Well yea inside of the gossib feel based comedy its okay writing, not the one I would read but it is at least intermediate level within that genre.

        Majer3 Can you let me know your discord name or you can search me Fluffybarries29#3811

          Majer3 Sure! This author said she would love an honest review. (As if mine wasn't enough 😁) Anyways, I have asked her and she said I can share her links here. She doesn't mind a brutal review so you can post the review on her book.

            Okay, The Last Werewolf dam dam daaaa da. Dam dam dam daaa da. Why I have this classical piece in my head now.
            -O damn I should of picked the other novel its teen tagged/5
            -Synopsis, family tries to think the best of problematic children and they act up and try go call police even parenting success 0/5.
            -Could use prologue for world info dump purposes.
            -Action action action, who is this jack guy now/5 where are we now where we left the woman?
            -When the painfully lame teen experiences and problems meet the overly teedious parents 1/5 xD
            -That being said the dialogue, feelings and this genre basics are good. Just world building would need a lot and scenarios, where everything happens and its difficult because in between the dialogue people have to watch something and see something. Jack opened the door to apologise parents for what he had done. But he was met with the gazes of two frightened parents with sex toys on the blank floor and another was dressed as pumpking and other as a carrot, you can guess who is who. The leather harnests and mouth balls were too much for Jack and he hesitantly and slowly close the sturdy oak door to clean his eyes from the stravesty. Jack went to his room and cried and contemplated cutting himself with spoon. Thats drama xD

              Okay I picked the one without children in synopsis I feel its the right choice now what Im still waking up. Ugh children..
              -Deathly Alpha super gene immortality guy
              -He had forbidden love for himself/5 eeee what doesn it mean πŸ˜… going ee solo??
              -A woman who wants to kill immortal man. Is it impossible considering what was writen just several rows before. Welll maybe she doesn't just know the details and she is just enjoying seeing people die. I don't judge.
              -World building explodes from the dark room.
              -No joke, this is really nice build up and information flow.
              -Dialogue is exceedingly well placed + feelings coming from it.
              -Okay now the quality of the story is basically up to the balance of the world and what medium and long arcs there will be. Also motives play part in this and side characters have to have some possibility than just being named plank tokens instead of a person. If all of these check and this thing runs for several hundred chapters there might be veeeery good results.

                It could be so nice if anyone could write interesting dungeon master novel without it somehow getting teedious micromanagement only with tons of artificial limitations. Lets see.
                -Not very much chapters but same goes than in the other system novel review. Don't spam too much the system status without any reason. Its just a filler in most cases if nothing big has happen to the stats or skills and if I read about the skill I dont need to see it later in list of status every time to somehow remember it. Smart way could be just very seldomly use full status window like every 20 chapters and just tell what is different now when something gets updated.
                -Population numbers??/5
                -Sleeping god experience school shit and gigle modifier 3/5
                -Okay its 1/4 status updates, 3/4 dialogue 1/150 world building and not yet at least any goals or motives. But 3 chapters so we will see how it will develop. World building will need considerable boost, same goes with the scene environment descriptions.

                  Okay you drop a lot new specific concepts at reader in synopsis, and no explanation for them. It gives some info yes but it leaves reader totally hanging about what is even happening here. Definitelly could be better. Tags are interesting but I fail to see connection between synopsis and the tags.
                  -First I was like wtf MC gets everything in prologue AND THEN THE WRITER TRICKED ME HOHOOO ! πŸ˜ƒ IT WAS A LIE IT WAS DREAM CAKE IS A LIE!!/5
                  -Usual t-shirt and pants (better to say like is it black or wat)
                  -Dialogue is okay, I like the ratio of explanations and dialogue it has to be like this in these kind of world stories.
                  -I have feeling its the kind of "stuff happens" novel, it could have better defined motives and goals to enchant readers understanding of medium and long arcs of the plot.
                  -FIrst system novel without unnessessary system spam/5

                    Okay 1 chapter story. I recommend using paragraphs.
                    -Almost all written in 3th perspective /all seeing perspective or passive.
                    -No dialogue, not even MC contemplation or toughts and feelings.
                    -Super hyper fast story development, fastest I have ever seen..

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