EveZenier added yours to my library. Will review and comment within the day.
Genuinely Constructive Review Swap
EveZenier Reviewed and tried to point out what I think needs improvement. All the very best for your writing.
I'm looking for chapter and paragraph comments and a collection swap if possible. Here is my link, when you feel inclined to return the favor. [https://m.webnovel.com/book/snow-n'-starlight_24482881305635405](https://)
Sakura_Charmash I have checked it out. So, let me be honest. I have my exams by the end of this month. So, I cannot read your book completely. Rather, I can try to read the first few chapters and write a review based on them. Hope you understand my point of view.
EveZenier Sure, that's fine. Good luck with your exams!
Sakura_Charmash Thanks.
Sakura_Charmash Done and dusted. I have added your book to my library and I'm sure I have learned a lot of things from your story especially about the world-building that you were describing. After my exams are over, I will give this story a thorough analysis to learn about how to write professionally.
EveZenier my goodness, I did not intend to promote mine as a world class example or anything. you are welcome to get as many pointers as you like and I truly wish you good luck with your craft. Thank you for taking time on mine.
I've reviewed 4 chapters of your novel. Here's mine if you had times to read.
RaedaX_1 I will benefit from a honest review. please can we do a review swap. Here is my link
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Hello, if anyone wants to review swap with me. Then please leave behind a review after reading at least 5 chapters and add to your collections. I will do the same.
If you only want to collection swap that's fine as well.
I am also up for critical reviews as well.
Here are the links to my books-
Please guys, below is the link for my book. I promise to review yours if you review mine. Thank you
Let's do review swap
Simply choose one these books and drop a review, then I would return the favour on yours.
My fantasy book PATHWAY TO HEAVEN
https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/25031373806882405 THEN,
contemporary romance novels WRATH OF A SISTER
https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/24873524306361405 AND
Sigheti I apologize for the delay. To be honest, my exams will start on 27 December and end by the mid of January as it includes both written and practical. So, I'm afraid that you will have to wait until 15 January. And as far as I remember, I've already wrote a review on your novel, you can check it out again and let me know your thoughts about it by replying to it. Hope you understand.
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Sigheti I have already published a review to your story. If you insist, I will send you its screenshot. However, I left it on the spoiler tab, so this might be the reason you were not able to see my review. Let me try to remove this tab. And if it doesn't work the way I want it to, then I will re-write the review. So, don't worry. I will keep my end of the bargain.
NobleRemmy Read, reviewed, commented and collected. My link is below. Please return the favor when time permits. I need a collection and at least three chapter comments apart from the review. Thank you!
tarsh_1250 Reviwed, commented and collected, please return the favor. Your story is very engaging! Loved it. My link is below.
MansonFD7 reviewed, collected and commented. Please return the favor when time permits.
My link: [https://m.webnovel.com/book/snow-n'-starlight_24482881305635405](https://)