Skittlez9653 Done Skittle - your story is interesting - curious to see where you go with it. Punction and grammar do need a bit work though.

    jikanyotomare Thanks Climbersitsme, added your novel to my library, will give you review once I am finished.

      jikanyotomare Okay finished reading your story and left a review. Just a small suggestion, I realize English isn't your first language, so most of the mistakes are understandable, but what I did battle with is the missing capital letters, especially using i instead of I - maybe use Grammarly extension from Chrome or Firefox - think it would help you with these common mistakes.

        DJRogue In queue. I'm currently reading another, longish one, so my review won't be immediate.

          Flarencess Hi Flarencess, added to my library, will leave a review once I am done.

            DJRogue Gocha. Still have a few left on my reading queue, so you may have to wait for a little while though.

              DJRogue Review done. Sweet read. I've noted down the weaknesses I saw, as well as the strengths.

                DJRogue Agreed. I'm not done with your story yet, but so far I am loving the build of The Phoenix Aspect.

                Too bad this swap is not for me.

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