Why is Inkstone such a bad format? Why does it not allow me to italicize font? Why does it not allow me to implement line breaks? Why does it not allow for simple document importation?
I do not understand why a website like Fanfiction which has been around for well over a decade has better usability than Inkstone.

Is it a paywall thing? Are all of these features blocked behind some sort of greedy bullshit?
Because if it is that's absolutely the most idiotic decision that could have been made/
Is it mismanagement? Are the people in charge of Webnovel technologically illiterate and the everyday worker with the website knows how bad it is but can't do anything to fix it?
I genuinely want to know.
If it's a paywall thing then know I will never spend any amount of money on this website and will never even be so much as tempted to.
If it's a mismanagement thing I hope that whoever made this decision loses their job.


    Font formatting IS behind a pay wall, the contractual pay wall. Only those who are contracted can use italics/bold/etc.

    Of course you also have to know that the app can't display that formatting so everything shows up as plain text. This includes using things like line breaks so any formatting done is lost producing garbled crap.

    As for why fanfiction has all that but webnovel doesn't.. is like asking why the epic store doesn't have the features of steam. Steam has been around longer and isn't in the habit of sharing how it does things with its competition.

    Webnovel hasn't been around that long but again you are correct... tencent/qidian apparently hired barely competent web masters. The app (and the site) are full of trial ideas that failed yet nobody bothered to remove so junk code was piled on top of junk code as they switched from one dev to another. Quite frankly webnovels code makes Frankenstein's monster look like a beautiful super model.

    As for who is at fault... your guess is as good as mine, there is no logical reason webnovel should still be in operation... yet it does. It somehow manages to keep going.

      Darth_Xiane I figured it was some greedy bullshit. Nothing new is ever finished or good anymore. They have to chop it up and make you pay for basic functions and have the gall to wonder why people think they're idiots.
      Guess I'll have to keep using third-party sites to get my fonts. This website could be so much better if they just let people simply upload their documents as is. It's not hard to do, every other website does it, it's not like it's some arcane secret that only a select few know how to do it.

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