Why is Inkstone such a bad format? Why does it not allow me to italicize font? Why does it not allow me to implement line breaks? Why does it not allow for simple document importation?
I do not understand why a website like Fanfiction which has been around for well over a decade has better usability than Inkstone.
Is it a paywall thing? Are all of these features blocked behind some sort of greedy bullshit?
Because if it is that's absolutely the most idiotic decision that could have been made/
Is it mismanagement? Are the people in charge of Webnovel technologically illiterate and the everyday worker with the website knows how bad it is but can't do anything to fix it?
I genuinely want to know.
If it's a paywall thing then know I will never spend any amount of money on this website and will never even be so much as tempted to.
If it's a mismanagement thing I hope that whoever made this decision loses their job.