Vanadhi_Lucia I have heard of the Japanese hornet, but I have not researched it much.
Look at this quote from wikipedia: "An individual hornet can kill forty European honey bees a minute while a group of 30 hornets can destroy an entire hive containing 30,000 bees in less than four hours.[3] The hornets kill and dismember the bees, returning to their nest with the bee thoraxes, which they feed to their larvae, leaving heads and limbs behind. The honey and bee larvae are also taken to feed the hornet larvae."
WOW, they are vicious. Also, they are very practical. They use almost all of their preys stuff to feed their own. WOW.
ALSO, I didn't know caterpillars could sting. The venom from the Saddleback Caterpillar can induce "severe symptoms ..... migraines, gastrointestinal symptoms, asthma complications, anaphylactic shock, rupturing of erythrocytes, and hemorrhaging."
Very interesting.
Thank you for making me aware of those two creatures.