@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL How can you recommend Martial Gamer when its editing is as, if not more so, horrible than what MMA was before the TL switch? It's almost unreadable with all the gender swapping, name swapping or interchanging, wrong word usage in places where i can only assume was auto corrected into a word that had maybe the same first 3 letters the same. Glaringly obvious editing issues. It's like for the sake of speed releasing it was just given a 5 min glance over.

    If 1230 was the ending, the it was the most crappy ending I've ever seen. No closure, things were not even left open ended, it was just stopped. Absolutely poor !

      DoctorCrazy No need to wait five years, just 1 year (350 days to be exact).

        Wabbitz I'm glad you noticed. Most readers aren't giving a damn about all this & neither do the editors or Webnovel staff.

        Wabbitz I meant MAM. Sorry, I am no better when I typed flustered and sometimes I type stutter when in that state as well.

          I though Wuji, Renegade Immortal, and Meng Hao will meet in the end lol.

          leshof It is the ending. I have said it before but the ending of IM only just stops with no closure. The only difference is that when I read it several chapters have been divided giving the illusion that it has more chapters than shown here on webnovel.

            thanks guys, bcause if u i am not wasting my stone on this novel.

            carefree path of dream is not that good (unless its getting better after ch 100++, MC go into dream)

            MG: just skim n done. its like any other VR novel, nothing special.

            GOS : MGA Qidian version

            SAS: not yet read it but after IM n GOGF i dont want to read another goose five novel for a while

            my recomandation (book that i think is a hidden gem):
            - Trafford trading club (any plan for the mass chapter release?)
            - TSW
            - TP (still in ch 192)

              In front page was written Immortal mortal was ending
              In here written Immortal mortal was complete
              which one is correct?
              If ending = author no longer have the desire to continue and just make any possible end as soon as possible
              if complete = the story has finished all things that happen during story written without leaving any question or cliffhanger

                I waited 2 days , and suddenly see a banner about Immortal Mortal , and came to forum , whoaa that was such a BS end, infact it cant be honestly considered as an ending . I feel really connected to this novel , i was there when the first chapter went UP , and was so gratified at 3 chapters a day speed ., I recommended the novel to every dog and cat i knew , the climax is a real let down.

                it'll be terrific if someone manage to chain the author to a desk and force him to read IM to an audience and then to listen the comments ... it may help him A LOT !!!

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