goffyboy I reviewed your story and left a couple of comments I expect you to do the same for my story. You have a good foundation for your story that just needs to be polished.

  • M_Ni replied to this.

    It's called The Reunion: a journey to Klin and back
    I wrote a review for your story! It's so beautifully written and I enjoyed it so far 😃
    I posted a link to my story on my other account, I would be delighted to know your opinion on it. Thank you and happy writing 🙂
    Hope you like mine too

      M_Ni I just wrote a review for your story and left a couple of comments. Thank you for your review. In the few chapters I read your writing improved between chapters at an impressive rate.

        Thank you very much 😃 It's my first time writing so it was a bumpy start 🙂

          Slow_Neptune Thanks for the in-depth review. For giving me a lot of pointers. I am really thankful. Wish you the best of luck though min is just a hobby haha.

          Fauxflux You have a great ability to describe scenes as they play out. Your book was a joy to read and has been added to my collection. I left a review and several comments. I hope you do the same for me.

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