UnhingedTaboo the problem will be theres no new novel i like and if theres a new novel that i like it only have a few chapter, so in the end those novel that i like are in premium and need SS to read so those 10 gmail is a priority since i can read those PRemium for free, After all you cant get anything you like without sacrificing something i like to become FREEMIUM so i sacrifice my time so i can be FREEMIUM and if you want to become PREMIUM you need to sacrifice your money and if you want to become an IDLER so be it you just sacrifice those chapter by being lazy, its easy to read those chapter by being FREEMIUM but you chose to be LAZY, youre just lazy to become FREEMIUM MR.IDLER
Quiting Webnovel
boglayt143 to me it's not a matter of laziness, it's a matter of following the rules, you see, for even talking about planning to break the rules could get you in trouble if the staff catch on, and also I believe patience is a virtue that you seem to lack, so don't go around name calling unless you want such thrown right back at you.;,;.
DeJeL but i believe having alt account is not something weird unfortunately. What that certain person said above is more like an open secret in this place.
And WN is understaffed from wwhat i see unfortunately.
And i would rather pay the patreon for the translator directly rather than buying ss.
Holocaust_666 with the latest TGIF, they confirmed my fears, that premium novels won't be completely free. After the novel is finished, they will turn off the daily free chapter at a certain point, so you'll have to unlock the last chapters with SS. Yes you can do this with free SS, but this means you need an account to read the whole novel and take part in their voting stuff, ads etc.
Yakumo unless noone pay anymore for premium novel, they still being income source for the publisher, and your fear is always true, premium novel will never be free
I tried reading LoHP in lnmtl. Currently in chapter 1013. I don't know if this is skill or what. Now I read the grammar in lnmtl with ease. You can get used to reading in lnmtl if you have what it takes.
IntrovertScribe I still don't understand what they translate as 'drink' in lnmtl
Because they didn't put any liquid into their mouth
boglayt143 10 is too much. Just 3 accts would already allow you to follow 3 premium novels. 5 at most is the most efficient. I have around 500 SS on 3 of my smurfs but no locked chapters to use it on. A
Yakumo the reason for that is because they put up those books on Amazon. No one will buy those if you could just read it for free after a hundred days from now. So it's expected to paywall all those premium chaps. Besides, readers were given 2 weeks already. If they still choose not to read the book then they can only blame themselves.
IntrovertScribe i only read iras in lnmtl. IRAS is like a novel version of "teens react" channel on youtube.
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boglayt143 Or you know, you can just go read other novels on other websites.
There's tonnes of novels out there and I don't know why you limit yourself to this website. Instead of spending all your time obsessed with QI novels, do something else. Because you are the lazy one if you don't even search for other novels. And as far as I know this is the only website that has a SS system so you don't need alt accounts in any other website. Reading is supposed to be a relaxing activity, if you are constantly switching accounts and creating new ones, I don't see the fun in that
boglayt143 but you chose to be LAZY, youre just lazy to become FREEMIUM MR.IDLER
Well I am a lazy little panda who eats bamboo a lot. So no comment there...!!
DeJeL for even talking about planning to break the rules could get you in trouble if the staff catch on
I am someone who had been banned 4 times already.... I don't have that much fear of mods(MADLAD here)!! Btw let him do whatever he can to reassure his life is not a waste or how disappointed his parents might feel.!!
UnhingedTaboo He can do what he wants, I'm not stopping him, I just don't like it when people name call, especially when they say that you are lazy for not breaking the rules...
sunofthebeach I understand that It's just as I stated to @UnhingedTaboo .
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DeJeL you see the thing is humans don't like waiting. If there's loopholes we will find and use them. Regardless of patience being a virtue. For premium novels I'd rather cheat than be patient for trash quality.
And IF and only IF I am to be patient. Many translator groups should get there shit together fast. Quantity does not win over quality. That's something webnovel doesn't seem to understand. I'm not taking shots here. Just stating what I see.
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@qidian ,please ban or unify smurfy smurfete accounts based on IP. @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL
I don't create multiple accounts so don't use it as a counter argument, if you don't like to do it and feel it's wrong just don't do it but nobody likes snitches
Guest199 they can't even fix the unread counter in the library, yet you want that to happen? Dream on. Lol.