HM.....Ahh, my heart can't bear it anymore...
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL i didnt want discont SS.. just mass release .. hidden marriage and perfect secret love .. i dont care about my money if i can read tht one go .. as long as it can solve with ss .. i dont mind
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL please look fowrd about my option
The moment you don't realize TGiF passed by because none of the novels you read got mass releases.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Slick I want a mass release for ‘The Nine Cauldrons’ because they are not sticking to there release quota it’s been 5 days since a new chapter has dropped and they said that chapters drop on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday so basically there hasn’t been a chapter since Sunday
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL please kind sir do the same for immortal mortal....
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL How about the perfect secret love..pls more chapter
I dont read any of those "__"
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL wow looks like I've got to hurry to finish the novel by the end of 2 weeks! It's a pity that the premium chapters will become locked again at the end of 2 weeks!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL amazing tgif#23
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL please have a mass release for hidden marriage! It's such a great novel and highly popular!
And now any readers that want to finish books are FORCED to make a webnovel account, even if they are fine with just waiting for all chapters to be released instead of making an account to get spirit stones
Hahaha just as I proposed, mass unlock
I hope there's still mass unlock for another serial in the future
Hello Qidian can we have another SS sale
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL fix skipped chapters first please.
1. Godfather of champions
2. Advent of Archmage
Trust me, yall will want to save your request of mass releasing FMHM for later...
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Hello, we have to post our story after monday to participate or ongoing stories can participate too?