Hello, where can I see entries for this competition :D?
Writing Prompts Contest # 1 - Reincarnation!
Liennel There is none so far.
Blahblahblahblah There are, there's just no tag that shows up on them so you can't search for the measily.
Max255 Being a non-native english speaker I understand your pain pal. Good luck!
Max255 Being a non-native english speaker I understand your pain pal. Good luck!
Where do you actually write the novel for this?
- Edited
Advertisement: Divine Graveyard (my entry for this contest), since there isn't a way to look for participants. :3
Flow07 it's already under fan-fic genre when I'm registered my novel
So, who your MC reincarnated into? Naruto, sasuke, or ichigo?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL story must not contain any racial or religious discrimination against any other cultures or their lifestyles
Kinda irony when there are some novel with this element published here
Promote my work,
Hope you like it
Tertium because there is this one irresponsible author who tried to play 'Islamophobia' issue in their story that raised controversy and get attention. After the story is reported, webnovel has to take precautions against these kind of authors.
LetThereBeMagic but patriotism is OK as long as they bash other countries and glorify China as the greatest nation and the best. Heck I am starting to think that qidian authors work for the government to spread China's agenda. Kinda disappointed when you find a urban modern reincarnation with a good story line but then it gets totally walk when the Mc goes and attacks other nations for being backwardness. Or simply because the want to take shots at those countries. It clearly has political statements which should be taken out.
What about sexism then? There is another of sexism in the novels but is that OK too.
TravelingPoet Everything is fine. LOL
SweetsTomato Does it have to be Naruto? Can't be other anime character from Reverse Harem Anime?
SweetsTomato Does it have to be Naruto? Can't be other anime character from Reverse Harem Anime?
Flow07 Anything is fine.
Flow07 no problem, you can even reincarnated your character into donald duck :)
Check mine lol
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL does it really have to be in modern time of reality or it can be a fantasy modern world