I'll read and review the first dozen or so chapters of your novel if you can do the same for me, there are only 25 chapters and there all relatively short. Thanks I'll read and review the first few people who do the same for me just be sure to drop the link. You don't need to post a review but that would be appreciated I'd be fine with just a comment telling me what I need to work on and what I'm doing right.

-BTW it might take a day or two I've got summer school but I will get around to it thank you very much

Title: Martial God's War In The Modern World

Link: [https://www.webnovel.com/book/martial-god's-war-in-the-modern-world_25589107805343505(https://)

    I can do some comments or review if the novels is interesting. Mine don't have many Chapter right now but I will slowly upload in the future.
    I dont know Review or comment Swap is ok in the Forum or not, Please let me know. I see there is a controversy on the Forum Rule about shameless and shameful promotion. I dont know how to seperate it 😆

      Rin_Nurnia I left a few comments and a review super good work on dialogue and world building by the way I need to take a page out of your book when I’m writing dialogue because mine always comes off as clunky

      mahe_ale_aba read it it’s super good but it’s just not my cup of tea at the end of the day but I can tell it’s well written please continue writing your much better than I am. My current novel has a lot of amateurish writing right now that I’m looking to improve, but yours is definitely better than mine

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