• Questions
  • Qustion about manga / manhawa adaptetion of your work

So how extactly the adpation of the work into manga or manhawa works?
Do i have to scount the artists or they will contatnct me?
Does having the contract with webnovel influcnes things?
Do i have to pay the artist as well?
Could somebody asnwer my qustion pls? (By the way if you have your own manga / manhawa adaptetion please tell how it works for you.)

    Andrzejsaw Alright the thing with adaptations is, that you need to have a great novel first, if you dont have a great and popular novel you wont get it.

    And yes, if you have a contract with webnovel, only then will you be able to get a adaptation.

    No, you dont have to pay the artist if webnovel decides to make an adaptation of your book.

    By the way, most writers dont have a adaptation only the top guys. If you want to know more you can dm me on discord: theotherchadguy

      One more qustion.
      If i SOMEHOW manage to get the adaptetion of my work, do i get to chose if it will be a managa or manhawa?
      Or is it like that i don't get to choose the adaptation type?
      And what is most common type of adaptation now days? Manhawa or manga? I know that story inlfunces it a bit since the korean MC appers in manhawa while japanese MC appers in mangas.

        Andrzejsaw So, manga manwha, and manhua all just means comics in different languages. American superhero comics would be called manga in Japan, for example. The manga, manhua, manwha title has nothing to do with the art style, it's only used to differentiate the country of origin.

        The fact that it seems racist to me to want to specify which artists work on your novel is probably a separate factor.

          @DELETED12 I think he may not understand the fact that they are the same word but for different country. He must attach a drawing style with each of them and it's partialy right, manga tend to be on white and black color while manhwa and manhua are often in color. The manwha are more in colum image while manhua have the same type of case format than manga mostly.

            @Andrzejsaw I understand that you wish to have your work be adapted someday but you have to realize that the chance are really and I mean REALLY low, even the top novel on webnovel don't get all an adaptation. I checked rapidly your story and you dropped almost all (or you paused them but that feel like this) and your actual story have like 13k view who are litteraly nothing if we talk honestly. You won't attract any contract for an adaptation with how your novel are right now, you should more focus on your novel than think about a potential adaptation who could appear maybe in a few years if you lucky.

              I know.
              But it would be nice if that would happend ;D
              I think most of the novels authors out there would like to see possbility of thier work getting adaptation, so having litle hope won't hurt me and give me more motivation to contioue my work ;D

                Yeb. Some people say manhawa or manga, pointing towards that kind of art style in comics.

                  Sleds_Writer No, there are tons of manga that are in color on other websites. In fact, I always see tons of comments about how confused people are that manhuas are done in manga style and vice versa. So I wouldn't say it's fair to say Japanese comics are mostly black and white either

                    @DELETED12 Maybe we didn't read the same thing, cause except for the mangas that got edited and clearly said color edition, the mangas generally are black and white with only a few pages in color sometimes. The number of manga published was astonishing so yes there can be a ton of colored manga out there but the generality said otherwise. Unless you count the freelancer mangaka who publish their manga on website like we do here with novel, since webcomic who generally was manhwa at first are full color published chapters, to attire more people into their work they will follow the same method.

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