So I've been wondering about something. If a person was to get a contract, how many free chapters should auther leave before going premium?
30? 40? 50? 60?

- 5 Jan
- Joined Dec 13, 2022
So i have qustion. How volumes works? Is there use of making volumes?
If yes, then how many chapters should volume have? My chapters are usually 1500 or more words.So soon Writing Prompts Contest Jully! will start i have some qustion about LitRPG.
Which one of those things classfy as the LitRPG?
-Teleported from the game into a different world? - like overloard.
-A world where concept of the levels, skills and classes exist? - like i was reborn as a sword.-A artificial reality world were inteligetn A.I exsits and stuff from RPGs like classes, skills and other stuff is in there too? - like overgeread for example.
Sleds_Writer Nightcafe and hot pot here are lings
Well, I'm now using different Ai drawings. But all of them are nothing alike and for some reason Ai do not want to give the characte a single horn even when I'm specificly saying what kind of horn i want.
So maybe getting the proper artist to do the work maybe a right call ;/Sleds_Writer And should i consdier hiring somebody to make my cover of my work, if my work somehow manage to work out well?
Is using the A.i generated picture legal? What i mean, i won't get in trouble or anything?So, does anybody know how to get a book cover?
I know that you can make the book cover your self, but i suck at edditing and paiting things expect the pixel art (Kind of, i still quiet new to pixel art.)
Any good idea to get?
I heard that you can eaither get somebody to make you one for free, but is that really a thing?
I know that you can also ask somebody to make you one if you paid them.
Honestly speakining I don't know what to do.
Is there anyway to make a simple cover my self like with app or something? Or is there any different ways?Sleds_Writer
Yeb. Some people say manhawa or manga, pointing towards that kind of art style in comics.Sleds_Writer
I know.
But it would be nice if that would happend ;D
I think most of the novels authors out there would like to see possbility of thier work getting adaptation, so having litle hope won't hurt me and give me more motivation to contioue my work ;DOne more qustion.
If i SOMEHOW manage to get the adaptetion of my work, do i get to chose if it will be a managa or manhawa?
Or is it like that i don't get to choose the adaptation type?
And what is most common type of adaptation now days? Manhawa or manga? I know that story inlfunces it a bit since the korean MC appers in manhawa while japanese MC appers in mangas.TheOtherChadGuy
Thx for the info man.So how extactly the adpation of the work into manga or manhawa works?
Do i have to scount the artists or they will contatnct me?
Does having the contract with webnovel influcnes things?
Do i have to pay the artist as well?
Could somebody asnwer my qustion pls? (By the way if you have your own manga / manhawa adaptetion please tell how it works for you.)So i've been wondering. What is the average speed up times in the Virtual reality games that connects you into the game?
On average, what is the typical speed up?Mine.
Monster Empress - Virtual Reality.
Games is something that we all love, don't we? Cards, chess, board game, mobile games, computer games and other type of games is something we at least encounter multiple times.
So here is a question, what would happens if the games them selves would show a completely different reality?OnikunStudios KK. i just listen to your replay and releashed 10 chapters.
So i've been wondering, Right now I'm apply for the contract and I've been that should i releash some free chapters before i sign the contract? Is this good idea or no? I know i won't get paid for those free chapters and all, i want people opinion.
So i have a qustion to a person who currently has a contract with webnovel.
A. is the incom depends on the number of the written worlds.
B. is the income depends on the number of the chapters. - (1500 worlds each day worth)
If A - some of my chapters has more that 1500 words in it, will that increase my income, or should i just split those chapters into smaller ones?- Edited
Are you official writer with contract? If so, how much you earn? And thanks for the info.So i have qustion regarding webnovel contract. Can person who by any chance posses contract with webnovel could asnwer some of my qustion?
(I don't know if i want to apply for the contract.)- Is it safe?
- Can i lose my rights to my own work?
3.Do i have to invest some of my money into something when i do the contract? Like donate X money to the techincal team or something like that. - Simple put are there any disadvantages???