ToufiqUlAlam apply for this job? Am i supposed to get paid or soemthing?
Looking for Beta Readers
WrightBrothers take it slow!! Don't worry! Be harsh...! I will do the same. Constructive criticism is expected...Cheers.
WrightBrothers go ahead!! Let's do it!! I am starting today. I will go slow.
ToufiqUlAlam ah, i see. Well I'm apart of a writing community with real authors, so I usually have them beta read my books. what do you mean by earn my review/ Is this just a review swap?
ToufiqUlAlam I see. alright I'll do it. can you send the link to the book u want me to review?
xish101 adding to library, will start reading and commenting first. Will review when I get an understanding of the chapters... cheers..My book's link is at the top.
xish101 As you can see, I am looking for someone who will read the whole book. It's already finished. So, review chapter by chapter at the end of it or you can come and post your thoughts here. You can take your time and I will do the same to yours. when you are done with the book, you can review it.
ToufiqUlAlam well i cant change it cause the entire story is written...bu5 i see where ut coming from
Need beta readers for this, plz tell me where to improve. Ill make changes
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ToufiqUlAlam i have started reading yours as well. Here are the biggest issues
1 chapters quickly drag with nothing interesting happening
2 thinks that are interesting gets ruined by the lack of excitement
3 narration is terrible. That is the first thing you should fix when writing
Summary- is very boring so far, and the reader doesn't sumptuous with a character just because you tell them to. Fix those big issues
I didn't know we were only sharing negative critiques lol
If i did then i would prob nit have done rhis. But since u already posted on my book, i'll do urs as well
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the_idyllic_scribe what a harsh review
the_idyllic_scribe well done!
xish101 review is done...but reading is not...I will keep reviewing chapter wise..plz do the same thanks.
KingVinito starting yours too...will take some time but expect collections and comments in the meantime.
and please, do the same for me...don't just say you liked or didn't like should mention where I can change. Give me constructive instructions...thanks. My book is at the top of the thread.
I would love to beta read your book where I'll give some comments, feedbacks, and even review. But if you don't mind an Action Sci-Fi with lots of action scene, you would love this book.
Title: Scorching Black Vulture
The scorching virus outbreak plunged the Galean planet's ecosystems into lunacies. No antidotes are effective in countering this tiny virus, as it also infected the advanced technologies.
The entire Galean organization, including Minerva, has to combat this virus on any occasion by creating the Authonoid, which stands for Authorized Android.
They aimed to combat the scorching virus while heavily immunized them. Unfortunately, this virus was constantly developing each time.
And to make matters worse, some elites were exploiting this virus by profiting it to fulfilling their political agendas.
Tsuyuki is the Minerva's Authonoid, and with his friends, he has to fight against the continuous outbreak, political unrest, and many unforeseen threats.
MansonFD7 Hello there! Beta readers are always welcome. You can find my book's link in the original post.
MansonFD7 you have 67 chapters!!! Why haven't you locked them? Did you not apply for a contract?
NewbieJimjim whilr i wouldn't consider this purely revenge, since they're only being nrgative, I will as well
ToufiqUlAlam hey! I just wanted to say that you can stop reading mine if you would like. I can't continue reading yours because, to put it bluntly, its not that interesting to me. I'll write a review for it so far, but U'm not doing any more comments. I'll replicate the same review you do for mine. Thanks
The contract was slightlt shady imo. In which I don't want if Webnovel took over my ownership of my book.