something like knight and magic!
already read Legend of the Supreme Soldier, nope nothing interesting here, pass
Tempest of the Stellar War, good one, but waiting for more chapter

    inovade2 Just curious, did you finish catching up to LOTSS? I ask because it seems to be one of the more pure Mech novels. If you want it closer to Knights and Magic though, then you're looking for something more along the lines of a business novel.. in which case The Mech Touch recommended by @MasterRabbink is the only one I know of.

      MasterRabbink ill give it a try, but less than 100 chapter is kinda too little (i read fast lol)
      SweetsTomato already watch their movie though
      BE_SAFE_ALL looks pretty good, about 190ch and stable release
      mrpixeltech i read until ch71 not really impressed. btw why did you called it business novel? was it gathering resource?

      actually i also know some, but it's japanese novel. it's not the novel itself is bad but unstable release and even worst too many different site translate them (they have different style of translating too). that's really putting me off
      whys is there no dedicated site just for japanese novel?

        Misguided_Rooster words/chapter Dragon can't read. Gwahahaha.

        Now this dragon can't delete or edit. Catch you Imbecile Dragon. Gwahahaha.

          inovade2 Well I refer to Knights and Magic as a business novel because a lot of the focus is built around Eru's ability to design mechs and the company/military unit that is built around that core. There's nearly an equal timeshare between all the background set up as there are the various designs Eru comes up with.

          LOTSS is nothing like that. It's a loner's journey, it's an uncovering of the origins of the universe, etc. Now, The Mech Touch is focused on the design concept exclusively. It's basically a shop novel where the shop is a mech production facility. So a lot of the elements of Knights and Magic will be missing since there will be no (currently) squad development, light kingdom building, large-scale mech battles the protag can take place in, etc.

          That's all I can think of. If anyone who's familiar with these 3 stories and has corrections or additional information to supply, please do :)

            no giant robots in Daedalus yet. Cadets are still in exo armour, their first mech will be a six metre.

            give it a try if you like Mecha. I think its great, but I am biased.

              a month later

              Here is some, but they r not mecha
              they r related to robot or ai , u may like it or not
              and they all are incomplete

              this from RRL.

              Cold Space, a LITRPG space story.
              Pioneer 0: Rise of the machine in a world of sword and magic.
              Bunkercore RRL(robo AI dungeon mc)
              CY RRL(cyborg mc)

                BE_SAFE_ALL 3 out of 4 are Hiatus/Dropped... (You have to warn that. Not completed could be imagined as ongoing.) Readers have to check carefully. Only Bunkercore is updated, but check update rate.

                Readers in Webnovel had accustomed with 'frequent' update (Daily or a few times a week). RR novels is common on weekly or monthly schedule. In return they tend longer and had printed novel style writing (deeper).

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