
  • Dec 10, 2019
  • Joined Mar 16, 2018
  • NOT

    what's with the image load for comic? it's way too slow
    this is pay 2 read site, not free to read
    what's with this kind of service???
    do i need 100MBps internet to be able to read???

    using android is better but still not by much, i still get retry page at least a few times
    still pc version is the worst

    also your button for vote, unlock or any button in pc need to be replaced
    it takes too long to load, it's even longer than images wtf???
    sometimes even after it load, i still cant click it (it's even worst for vote button, need to refresh page)

    • well, it's kinda boring reading male mc
      most of them are just filler, filler and dam mothefaka filler

      • i don't know why (maybe because i've accidentally push some random keys?)
        but my font arent readable at all
        already reset browser cache even loggin in and out it's still there
        but when i'm log out it's readable

        it looks like this

        i know webnovel use some kind of tech from google, but i dont know how to reset that

        • i really dont get why an app just to read TEXT (mostly) is so damn slow

          • MasterRabbink ill give it a try, but less than 100 chapter is kinda too little (i read fast lol)
            SweetsTomato already watch their movie though
            BE_SAFE_ALL looks pretty good, about 190ch and stable release
            mrpixeltech i read until ch71 not really impressed. btw why did you called it business novel? was it gathering resource?

            actually i also know some, but it's japanese novel. it's not the novel itself is bad but unstable release and even worst too many different site translate them (they have different style of translating too). that's really putting me off
            whys is there no dedicated site just for japanese novel?

            • sometimes when i just open the site, when in the middle of reading or leaving it for a day in open tab, the site is suddenly logging off and then logged in. this is really putting me off, especially when i'm reading (mobile).

              please fix this, just make it logging off whenever i open it instead, that way it wont break whatever i read.
              if it's on PC, then it's fine since i could just use back button and refresh, but mobile is not. it's way to slow JUST to load and i still need to find wherever did i read last time and load it again (back or history doesn't really work)

              • the site itself rather slow, usually when i tried to vote power stone counter is just "--"
                refresh and it's gone (annoying though)

                • none of my SS expires and theyre all free ones
                  i read everyday though

                  • isn't this asking cover for free?
                    then why it's in "diss" section?
                    did i get in the wrong side of youtube again?

                    i would ask, but im not even a writer lol

                    • something like knight and magic!
                      already read Legend of the Supreme Soldier, nope nothing interesting here, pass
                      Tempest of the Stellar War, good one, but waiting for more chapter

                      • kalau punya cerita, tulis aja dulu
                        translate ntar2 juga bisa (bagusan kalau ada yang mau translate wkwkw)

                      • wkwkw, ternyata banyak juga orang indonesia
                        kirain MasterRabbink orang luar, orang indo juga ternyata (cover novel bikin sendiri apa dibuatin qd?)

                        @Littlewizard kalau mau buat, pake bahasa inggris lah gan dan setahu ane kalaupun ada salah tulis eja dikit2 gak masalah, asal gak kebanyakan (kayaknya gak ada nazi grammar disini). tapi baiknya sih ada editor!!
                        misalnya Number One Dungeon Supplier, di chapter2 awal banyak banget salah eja/ketik. tapi story lumayan bagus dan hasilnya masuk pejwan! semangat aja!!

                        • TheAdventurer you make me blush...
                          Cobyboy Misguided_Rooster unfortunately, that's bad decision because new reader is reading the title AND cover before reading them (also because synopsis here isnt very accurate either). but well whatever lol

                          • Lord_HaarT OMG, now this is perfect excuse!!! no wonder those super powerfull being having a hard time getting kids lol

                            • it does looks good, some of them anyway (robots have robots etc)
                              the other? mehhhhh

                              just look at Castle of Black Iron, what is that? a teeth and a gate?
                              Number One Dungeon Supplier, it's last cover is better than just lazy panda. who the F know this is a cultivator???
                              another one Gourmet of Another World, looks like cultivation world but WTF are those mountain? is it a rice mountain or what???
                              and many more

                              sometimes i just thinking, the artist who draws them doesn't really know the content
                              well at least the one who ask them to draw doest even know its content either

                              there's one that i like, it was from Assassination System V2.0, the original one, just a stick guy lol
                              now that's a classic (but it's deleted unfortunately)
                              not trying to be mean or annoying but those cover selection is really-really bad

                              • most likely absorb them, besides they're not really eat food in the first place (unless still low lv)
                                usually using spirit stone or something equal to that especially in higher lv
                                besides, higher lv means purer body (most MC getting rid of their impurities after lv-up, i supposed included shit)

                                but in 1 novel i read there's still character "shitting" (it was also beautiful female peeing in the woods, she's a pretty strong cultivator too).

                                in the end it's depends on author, who in the right mind writing shitting and peeing all the time?? unless it's supposed to be funny

                              Web Novel Novel Ask