This thread made me laugh for all the wrong reasons. thank you for all your work so far, ms yaoyueyi.

    4 days later

    Zephy hope you like this! no red eyes bc the man's face is covered by shadows. something about this cover feels missing though.... I don't really know what it is but it feels lacking in some way? idk hope you like it though

      8 days later

      Hi, can I request for a poster? :D

      Title: Welcome Home
      Author Name/ Pen Name: Kanzi Dahman
      Link to Story:
      Genres of Story: Realistic Fiction, Fantasy, Magical Realism
      Any Specific Requests: I would like the poster to have a generally neutral theme to it, with just a girl with blonde-ish brown-ish hair that's mid-length (til shoulders or a bit lower is fine) and like shes looking back at something. I would also love if you made her eyes a blue-grey tone. If its ok, I'd love if she was wearing a pink/nude dress that shows her shoulders, although any color or dress is fine! Also the girl would preferably have a slim body if its ok! If possible, I would like there to be some form of a quote in the poster,saying "When memories fail you, can you get back home?", though if not, that's also fine. In general, I can leave it up to you. Also, if it's ok, I'd love the background to to be a neutral color of your choice (because im alrady asking a lot, sorry!) , and the girl holding a small sunflower. Also, if it's also ok, add a small shadow of a girl's figure in the background, if not that's also ok!
      I know asked a lot, and i would understand if you ignored or didn't do the cover:D. But i hope i wasn't too demanding! also, take your time ( if you decide to make the cover) and do what you think feels right! I'm not trying to rush you or pressure you.
      Thank you so so much in advance! Wish you all the best, and sorry for the long request!

        Um hello, I'm not sure if it's open now or not. But I would need a book cover. If it's possible.

        My new novel is about queens and stuff, but the leader of all is a little girl and her 2 close "friends" one her guard and other her fiancé.
        Little girl has silver hair and red eyes. If possible I would like her to be in all red. Dress suitable for a 12 year old. At the cover I would like her to have a evil smirk on her face.
        Her fiancé would be on her right.
        He is year older then her, has brown hair and green eyes. His expression is calm and unreadable. Also he is looking away into the unknown, you can see one of his eyes truly. His color is Green, so if possible I would like his clothes to have at least small parts of green. Since I have no idea how to describe his clothes.
        And lastly the guard. He is looking AT the girl or the one who's looking at the cover. He has kind of sad but calm expression, his hair is white and eyes golden. Ah for him, his color is golden, so kinda white centred clothes with Golden outline.

        If possible the background behind them is black.
        Lol I'm sorry.
        I know it may seem kinda mean for me to request so much.
        Hope you can do it

        Name of the story is Pheonix Rising.

          Chryiss omg i didn't see it. sry!! or maybe i posted before she closed the requests. idk, either way, sorry!

            16 days later

            yaoyueyi Name: The Rise of An Assassin
            Genre: War and Military Fiction.
            Synopsis: It's a story of a boy who lost both his parents and his family after the 3rd world war. His life changes when he meets a girl. He plans on becoming an Assassin who will destroy every evil in the society.
            Requests: I would like a blonde haired and blue eyed boy wearing black assassin clothes on the cover, he is holding two swords upside down in his hands an one in his mouth (same like Zoro from One piece), blood on on all the swords and i want the background to be white.

            I will be grateful if you make a cover for this book.
            Thank you

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