Hi! I love your covers. They are so creative and beautiful. Can you please create me a book cover for a webnovel?
Title: Everyday Life with Jin-Su
Author Name/ Pen Name: Park Yeon Mi
Link to Story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/13408762406769805
Genres of Story: Romance Fiction, Comedy,
Any Specific Requests: Can you add a boy with black hair (short) that fall over his eyes and he has a moth mask. He's back-to-back with a girl with black hair that reaches below her shoulders by a bit. I hope I explained it fully enough. The rest is up to you :)

    TITLE: Cat X Dog
    GENRE: Romance Fiction
    SUBTITLE: An animated story about a sadistic cat girl and a perverted dog boy.
    SYNOPSIS: The plot revolves around Kaori becoming enemies with a perverted dog named Samba. In a world where love between the two species is socially unacceptable. The theme of the short is that all love can be accepted and has a chance. Kaori attempts to cure Samba's infatuation for her by fist! But after seeing the extent of his love, she gives in and finds something she can appreciate in him. Will their love become acceptable?
    LINK: https://www.webnovel.com/book/13455142006915805/Neko-X-Inu
    COVER DESIGN: A school background with anthropomorphic cat and dogs. The main character is an orange cat girl (with big boobs) with a wicked smile and is holding a purple dog boy!

      TITLE: Cat X Dog
      GENRE: Romance Fiction
      SUBTITLE: An animated story about a sadistic cat girl and a perverted dog boy.
      AUTHOR NAME/USERNAME: NaruButterfly
      SYNOPSIS: The plot revolves around Kaori becoming enemies with a perverted dog named Samba. In a world where love between the two species is socially unacceptable. The theme of the short is that all love can be accepted and has a chance. Kaori attempts to cure Samba's infatuation for her by fist! But after seeing the extent of his love, she gives in and finds something she can appreciate in him. Will their love become acceptable?
      LINK: https://www.webnovel.com/book/13455142006915805/Neko-X-Inu
      COVER DESIGN: A school background with anthropomorphic cat and dogs. The main character is an orange cat girl (with big boobs) with a wicked smile and is holding a purple dog boy!

        i give up.

        for real.
        honestly this is making me so sick soo

        requests are closed.

          Dafuq? these people can't read or what? :thinking_face:

            yaoyueyi Should you ever decide to open back up again, I'm sure there are a few of us that would be willing to help mod and sift through the posts. Anyway, thanks for what you've done so far!

              BlueRhapsody I don't think it's necessary for sifting, really. it's really just so frustrating and unmotivating to see that 70% of requests are from those who don't even bother to take 15 or so minutes of their life to read through and understand the rules when I spend hours on these things... but thank you anyways! :smile:

                yaoyueyi Hay, I got an idea, maybe just post a Forum link (google forums) and if they don't properly fill that out you ignore their post (add questions that will keep you working w/in the rules you set up like "Does this novel have at-least 10 chapters?").;,;.
                Just a thought... If you wanted me to set one up for you then give you ownership of it afterwards, all you'd have to do is email me @ DeJeL@myself.com and then I'd share it back to you after setting it up and then give you ownership of it.;,;.

                I don't expect you to take my idea nor run with it, I just wanted to give it as an easier way to keep w/ what you ask.;,;.

                  DeJeL I've used google forms in the past on other sites & I just really don't like working with it haha. but thank you for the suggestion. maybe I'll consider it but idk


                    I attempted to look at OP, but I could not. Your issues might be because others are having the same problem.

                    As I am. Not interested in a thingy, just bored good luck.

                      Acutelittletrap if they couldn't look at the original post, that's not my fault. can't read original instructions = don't request at all. plus, only a few posts up did I post a reminder of the rules (which I posted very frequently up until now yaoyueyi) & it's absolutely ridiculous for a reminder of the rules to be directly above a request that broke the rules (which has happened).

                        This thread made me laugh for all the wrong reasons. thank you for all your work so far, ms yaoyueyi.

                          4 days later

                          Zephy hope you like this! no red eyes bc the man's face is covered by shadows. something about this cover feels missing though.... I don't really know what it is but it feels lacking in some way? idk hope you like it though

                            8 days later

                            Hi, can I request for a poster? :D

                            Title: Welcome Home
                            Author Name/ Pen Name: Kanzi Dahman
                            Link to Story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/13580176805330305/36454783787261880
                            Genres of Story: Realistic Fiction, Fantasy, Magical Realism
                            Any Specific Requests: I would like the poster to have a generally neutral theme to it, with just a girl with blonde-ish brown-ish hair that's mid-length (til shoulders or a bit lower is fine) and like shes looking back at something. I would also love if you made her eyes a blue-grey tone. If its ok, I'd love if she was wearing a pink/nude dress that shows her shoulders, although any color or dress is fine! Also the girl would preferably have a slim body if its ok! If possible, I would like there to be some form of a quote in the poster,saying "When memories fail you, can you get back home?", though if not, that's also fine. In general, I can leave it up to you. Also, if it's ok, I'd love the background to to be a neutral color of your choice (because im alrady asking a lot, sorry!) , and the girl holding a small sunflower. Also, if it's also ok, add a small shadow of a girl's figure in the background, if not that's also ok!
                            I know asked a lot, and i would understand if you ignored or didn't do the cover:D. But i hope i wasn't too demanding! also, take your time ( if you decide to make the cover) and do what you think feels right! I'm not trying to rush you or pressure you.
                            Thank you so so much in advance! Wish you all the best, and sorry for the long request!

                              Web Novel Novel Ask