Pls give sugest novel with mc like mc in wmw
Need novel like WMW
moesbaryn carefree path of dreams. It is written by the same author but mc is slightly less ruthless
Reverend insanity: mc reaches the extreme of ruthlesness
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ShouldBeStudying Sadly, Carefree Path of Dreams translation quality really put me off and i dropped like 10 chapters in...
Age of Adepts
N0xiety to be honest its not that bad, at least not mtl like people say. If you Wu Zong put you off,know that it is the only chinese term used. You get used to it because it would be more annoying if it was replaced with Martial Artist everytime
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ShouldBeStudying It's not about the term, the general quality really is bad. I have an app that lets me replace whatever i want in a novel anyways, so terms or specific words are never a bother to me as i can just make the app change it automatically for all the future chapters.
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Luofuchen FoxReplace
For example this is my list for I Have A Mansion In The Post Apocalyptic World. Tho i have given a break around chapter 277 so these are only the most used 'censored' words up to that point. I know, i have no idea why the translator even censors these, must have some mental problems, but oh well, as long as i can work around his mental illness...
N0xiety Thank you for sharing.
True wizard world is a good one similar plot to wmw but from what I heard two came first it’s good with no pay wall but are bonus chapters after vol. 1 I think