I am disappointed because I already emailed my concern but still no action, am patiently waiting for that to be resolve, so unfair that I have no nov big hello rebates while my other account was already claimed.

- Nov 4, 2019
- Joined Nov 1, 2019
Bluepumpkin yes because of the reset, so the chapters you paid will be lock again but they are giving rebates with an open letter then you can claimed a certain percentage of rebates from the total you spent , am still waiting for that letter of adjustments...
MyLittleTreasure so bad until now still no letter received on the adjustment or rebates, its not fair, still no message on my inbox, in my two accounts I already claimed. Its a big help cause 50 chapters of the novel Im reading was lock because of the reset. So costly if I will open again the one that I read already... Maybe I will wait after one month because the story update once or twice a day....
I really cant find it in my inbox the letter of adjustment....
Your giving adjustments on bought privilege or rather rebates but on my account I dont find it, thats not fair dear.. I hope its just late on posting. Thanks