Noah_Heridia apparently, girls aren’t the only ones that can’t chose. But yeah I find the annoying too.

- Jun 24, 2023
- Joined May 17, 2022
AstridStorm no worries about it. It takes about a day for it to appear. And stories all have low views in the beginning. I’m not sure on the updating hour though
Andrzejsaw I’m not a contracted author, but I used to be in a discords with some people who did. I think the income is based on the coins used to unlock the chapter, and the coins needed to unlock the chapter changes based on the lengths of each chapter (1 coin per 200 words).
- In Be honest...
Mihai_Balais judging from the genre alone should be fine. If it’s sci-fi promoting on Royal road could work too (apparently I heard).
Please try mine! It appears straightforward at first but there's a lot of undercurrents.
"To fly with wings of shadows."
OnikunStudios Thanks for being understanding 🫶
- Edited
Outstanding points:
Beginning is quite interesting. Characters and roles are clearly set. The conflict and immediate goal the characters is trying to achieve is visible and hooks the reader’s appetite.
Writing style:
A bit conflicting. The dialogues clearly has personality, and what needs to be conveyed is conveyed. But, the constant shift in location breaks off immersion and makes it confusing. Also, dialogues in the middle of a paragraph makes it a bit hard to read, especially if multiple people is speaking.Advise:
Make the characters more charismatic or attractive, first impressions matter.
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Outstanding points:
The writing is very coherent and everything is laid out clearly, I can tell you are a detail oriented person which works out well in writing stories. The immediate stance of the caring family is a plus point. The way the character didn’t immediately understand her identity.
Writing style:
Again very clear, and immersive at that. You have a lot of potential. There is very little things I can nitpick on, it felt like I was reading some printed book somewhere (in a good way).
I am quite divided by this. I like the premise of secret daughter, not so being descendants of satan. I imagine a demon so preoccupied with the world wouldn’t be breeding descendants unless he has a really wicked scheme. Also just me personally, but I don’t like demons that much, I’m a bit religious you see. (Partially why I avoid fantasy).
I don’t like the idea of it, but if she’s satan’s descendants maybe adding some curse or evil impulse might be a nice thing. As the enemy of God (well, evil is the opposite of good, so religious or not, Satan doesn’t exist without God, not dictating anything) I imagine his descendants are cursed.
(You can ignore this advise, no biggie)Sorry I can’t give more feedback farther than the revealing of identity. God bless and good luck. I left a review.
Ifeams_Christiana check my reply above
Dark_knight234 okay, go to coin tab, then scroll down, there is a click here to manage subscription. Hope you find it!
- Edited
Only 2 people, only fl urban. No, I am not currently looking for fantasy stories. No, I am not currently looking for ml stories. I need romance.
I will leave honest review here, and a shorter one on your story.
Any replies with link to stories that are not romance and urban will be ignored.
So, I came back to webnovel and came to do the review.
Outstanding points:
I like the supposed premise of the story, the synopsis although short gives enough conflict and mystery to hook someone to reading. (Though I would recommend taking the ‘of’ down.) The characters are more or less defined. And the character’s background is clearly set.
Writing skills:
No apparent grammar or spelling mistake. However, there is a lack of immersive experience. Not that I am saying you are lacking at writing, but the joy and curiosity that makes me want to read on and on and on in my favorite stories aren’t there. Is it lack of charisma? Or the way the scene begins? I am not sure. But I do like that you are breaking away from the usual trope, a little in the way they interact and that is somewhat intriguing. One thing I want to say, is, show don’t tell.
Opinion on content:
So far on chapter 3 or 4, I am quite confused on the plot. I know what is going on, but there seems to be no immediate goal or conflict. Of course, you have every right to set the story to slow paced, but as an author I follow say, you can’t always save the good parts for the middle end and leave the beginning deserted.
Sorry if I am a bit harsh. But this is an honest review. Good luck and God bless.
Yuvit sorry, I don’t
Sycostyle017 I’m not sure….. according to an old forum, it’ll appear not long after around 4000 word. Maybe try going to the author discord and asking the people there? It’s faster.
You go to AppStore> subscriptions. And cancel it before renewing date - if using Apple pay. (Webnovel don’t kill me for telling).
- In Story recs
Kancha_T I remember reading quite an interesting book once, if I’m not wrong it is “she became glamorous after the engagement annulment.” One is completed, (I think?) and there is a sequel.
And if you are willing, I am writing about acting, “to fly with wings of shadows.”
Deja_Andio Will do! I’ll post a review here within 72-96 hour. It’s sort of busy lately haha.
Czzi alright, I will certainly read it. Would you like a honest review here?
- Edited
Here is the “Legend of shaogal: diverging periods”book reviewOutstanding points:
First of all, I would like to point out how unique the plot is, combining the 6th and 14th century. And the peculiarities of Geiyra’s condition, she is quite an interesting one and the mysteries surrounding her will intrigue the readers. There is a constant problem hooking the readers, but this hook sometimes disappears. I suggest, keeping the suspense in the air, since you did such a great job in some places.
Opinion on writing technique:
I’d say that the overall picture is conveyed, with proper details and background building where it concerns architecture and materials. But sometimes, it feels like a presentation of many actions and dialogues than a story, this is hard to explain, but it feels like I am reading a historical record of someone’s life. And by historical, I don’t mean the background explanation, but the now moment within chapter 3-5. Though if this is what you’re going for I can understand. Maybe this is because you’re covering two protagonists but there is also seemingly a lack of focus, a direction so the readers can envision it easily since it sort of feels scattered everywhere. How should I say, its like there are numerous spotlight flashing everywhere. Also, some of the sentences, are not arranged with efficiency and are too convoluted. It’s best to direct the sentences for an effect and put yourself in the reader’s shoes. And don’t start two consecutive paragraphs with the same word.
Moving on from the big picture, and breaking into the details, I noticed that you rarely describe the characters in that moment in detail outside of their clothes. Their expressions, ambiance, bodily language or impression. Maybe I missed it and forgot, but this is one of the things I noticed. I also spot several places where you forgot to add punctuations. There are times where you forgo detail too, this is something I commented in another place- signs of lazy writing- I know it could be concluded easily, but rather than say, “both said and smiled in unison,” you could go on how their smiles are different in nuances, feeling, background, impression, who stood out, what they though of them, what they thought each, etc.
The focus problem, turns into less of a problem by chapter 6, maybe because it is about Radelaine. Focus can still be maintained with multiple characters, but maybe transition more smoothly since it feels a little choppy sometimes.
Opinion on content :
I was quite confused with the transition from chapter 3 to chapter 4. How did it change from, “she is in the state with the intention of killing her sister.” to entering a castle (is it a castle? It just shows them entering a place, but there was backstory about a king so I assumed it was a castle). Anyways, long story short, I suggest placing yourself in the reader’s shoes and not jump too much without explanation unless the scene ended. And to make use of cliffhangers and conflicts. Because chapter 3 was such a good cliffhanger but It’s not used.